Absolutely ridiculous

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"Sounds believable" Bec said

"Well it's the truth" I replied shrugging

"There are a lot of unanswered questions though" She said "but first of all, I'm sorry"

"It's okay" I replied.

"No it's not, how did you live? I mean it wasn't easy being the prime suspect for the death of your best friend" She said sadly

"Well I'm the girl who lived" I winked and she chuckled

"Plus I've just been a complete bitch to you these past years" She added

"I know right?" I mused

"So what're we going to do about my mom?" She asked

"Got a plan?" I asked

"She has to pay. First for cheating, sending my dad away, murdering my little sister and blaming her best friend for it, that's just too much" She said

"I'm just glad there's someone that finally believes me" I sighed

"You're a really strong lady" She said "I would never had been able to live like that" she added and I shrugged

"I had to stay alive for Eva" I smiled thinking of my best friend

"But I wonder who it was that saw her kill Eva" Bec reasoned

"At least there's someone on my side now" I said happily

"That someone better not be Rebecca" A new voice added and we both turned towards the door

"M-mum--?" Rebecca stuttered uneasily as she stared at her mum who was shooting daggers towards me with her eyes

"When did you get back?" Rebecca asked

"What have you told her Luna?" Jenny asked zeroing her eyes at me.

Always has to be me.

"Mum she didn't do anything" Rebecca gulped, she looked scared which I hardly saw "I woke up this morning and couldn't find you so I thought something happened and Luna helped me calm down" she added.

I mentally rolled my eyes, of all things to say... Her mum wouldn't believe that shit, was that the best she could come up with? Even my stupid friend Clara wouldn't believe that.

"So what did Luna mean by 'at least there's someone on my side now'?" Jenny asked cocking her head creepily to the side.

"Ohh that----" Bec drawled out looking around "it's a phrase from a movie" she added quickly

I mentally facepalmed.... That was so lame, how did she think of that? Now Jenny will really think something's going on. Way to go bec

Jenny looked intently between both of us as if to know if Rebecca was telling the truth

"You had better be telling the damn truth" She said before walking away.

"Phew! That was close" Bec sighed and went to close the door before lying on the bed and facing me

"Really? A phrase from a movie?" I asked and she threw her head back laughing

"I was under tension, it's the best I could come up with" She said still laughing

"If I didn't believe you, is it your smart mum that will?" I asked shaking my head and smiling

"That's true but there's nothing we can do" She shrugged and I shook my head. Even I can do better than that.

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