Dare to create

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I have never been the most patient person when it comes to writing. Add that with my schedule and mood swings, rest assured no story shall be finished.

I have a lot of drafts.
Here in Wattpad, in the cloud and on my blog.
A lot of them I've kept dearly, waiting for the time where I'll finally get to continue writing.

These ideas have been sitting in my drafts for far too long and I do believe they deserve better...

So I'm sharing them with you guys. Hoping that they would find good foster author-parents.

Most importantly, I'm sharing these for those who'd like to start writing and does not know where to start.

In the following chapters are excerpts, synopsis', and other random ideas.
Be it a story or how to start making one.

Writing is a tedious process. You can't just write what you want...you can, but not just about anything.
It involves research and fact checks and loads of internal conflicts and frustrating creative blocks.

This is for everyone. I also ask nothing in return.
Although I would love to connect with you guys in the comments and have discussions... that would be fun. A follow would not hurt as well hahaha

I do hope this book helps you out.
Dare to create. Dare to be creative.


Ideas by COSMICTRIFECTAWhere stories live. Discover now