Getting inspirations

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There are a lot of places where you can get ideas for a story. Let's talk about the most common sources.

1. Movies and TV

It's no surprise how television greatly influences one's writing. What you see on TV usually shows you the trend of plots that are 'in' nowadays. So it's no surprise a lot of stories revolve around the same issues and plot twists of what you see on the small screen.

2. Lyrics

Another common source are song lyrics. It doesn't have to be an entire song, It can be a single line or a full verse, as long as it speaks to you, you get the urge to write about it as well.

3. Instrumentals

Contrary to song lyrics' that give you a specific scenario, Instrumentals provide you with the mood.

To effectively use this, ask yourself... What does this make me feel?

4. Quotations and Poetry

These can come from everywhere. From a book, a friend, a poem, a speech... everywhere! And like song lyrics, you work on the lines that speak to you.

5. Scenarios and People watching

A specific frame or point in time where you capture something mid-action. You make a story out of it. You try to continue, decide what happens next after a scenario.

Belle knew the villagers were out hunting the Beast, what if she chose to flee with her father? What if she never really had to come for him? What if the Beast followed her home?

Things like that. 

6. Photograph

They say that photographs are eternal. It freezes times of happiness and other emotions. You only see a frozen image of something or someone that has it's own story.

If the photographer is not there to tell you what happened when the photographs where taken, go ahead and create your own.

7. Someone

You start writing because or about someone.

Someone that inspires you great enough to start creating.

Or sometimes an outlet of emotions for someone you hold dear.



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