Chapter 4: New school, new friends, new everything

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Izumi' s P.O.V.

I glanced into my parents eyes, "Have a good day Izumi." my mother smiled. I could tell that my father didn't want me to go. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I only nodded. I turned and walked nervously towards my new school. I knew that a new adventure, weather good or bad, was about to begin.

When I got to the school, I found myself in a classroom full with kids my age. I stood in front of many children sitting quietly in their chairs. I began to panic, for I have really never met anyone from the village before, I often played with my three cousins, Daiki, Haruka and, Haruki, along with my aunt Sango, my uncle Miroku and my other uncle, Shippo, but, daddy wouldn't let me play with anyone else in the village. He told me that it was too dangerous.

"Now class," began the woman standing before me. "This is our new classmate, Izumi. She is very shy, so I expect you, as a class to treat her like you would anyone else in here okay?"

"Yes miss, Airi!!!!" the children yelled in unison.

"Good then." the woman nodded as she twirled around and looked toward me. "Now dear, would you like to introduce yourself a bit more than I just did?" She looked at me with loving eyes. I slowly closed my eyes and thought about it, then decided that I was far too embarrassed and shy to speak, just yet, so I mumbled a quiet,

"No." The woman's blue hair slid off her shoulder elegantly as she tilted her head and smiled brightly.

"That's okay sweetie! Now then," she twirled around again and pointed toward a boy sitting beside an empty seat. "Now, Izumi dear, please take a seat near Atsushi here. Atsushi, is that okay with you dear?" the woman asked cheerfully.

"Yes." the boy, (Atsushi, I think the teacher called him) mumbled as I walked toward the seat. He stared at me as I sat down. I could tell that he was trying to talk to me, but, after he saw me open my eyes, for some reason, he didn't say anything. I was lucky he didn't, because I probably would have just ignored him anyway, I don't know how to talk to other people let alone boys!!!


When the classes after the first one were over, it was lunch time! My favorite time of the day! I always ate ramen noodles with daddy at lunch time, so I wanted to go home and share with him, but the mean principal said that I couldn't. Ramen noodles are my favorite food of all time. But, daddy's favorite is beef flavoured and mine is chicken flavoured! I love the chicken flavor because aunt Sango used to always bring me chicken noodle soup when I was sick. And hers was the best! "I hope mommy packed one in my lunch for me!" I mumbled to myself as some boys from my first class came up to me.

"Hey, Izumi-san! Can you meet us outside after school? we wanna show you somethin!" the boy smirked.

"Um, I suppose." I mumbled. While everyone went to a hut near the school called the, cafeteria (I think) to get food to eat, I grabbed my lunch pail and skipped happily outside. After I looked around for a nice quiet place to eat, alone, I caught a glimpse of what I thought looked like heaven! Bright green grass on a hill. I ran toward that place as fast as my legs could carry me. When I got there, I sat on the top of the little hill. Good. I thought as I glanced at the school house behind me. Not too far away. I smiled and turned around.

I closed my eyes and eagerly placed my hand on my red lunch pail. It was made of something my mother called, plastic. Please please please have chicken flavoured ramen!!!! I pleaded in my mind as I opened my eyes to see what my mother had given to me in my lunch. My face fell when I saw a sandwich and a paper bag full of carrots. At that moment, I heard a boy's voice.

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