Sinister Desires

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There's nothing more discouraging when you spend your entire life building something, only for a stranger to completely knock it down.

Masks are an important part of society. There is practically no one in this world who lives without one. But what makes masks so interesting is that everyone's looks different. Some people make their masks pretty while others make theirs scary. Some masks make the wearer invisible while others make them stand out.

I made mine pretty and inviting to the people around me, but heavy enough to not be moved by the strongest of us. Maddison made hers intimidating and angry to keep people away so they can't see how easily it can be moved, like a viper with no venom. Victoria's mask made her known but invisible, like a myth that everyone has heard but can't prove. And Heather, she made hers stand out in the crowd, welcoming the love and hate with open arms.

However, a person with no mask is either the most honorable or the most ignorant of us all. They show their vulnerabilities to the enemy while also showing their true intentions to those who trust in them; a scary feat for anyone who is human, but a feat that is well known. So if someone tells you that they have no mask, they're lying, because if it were true, they shouldn't have had to tell you in the first place.


The week leading up to the party was fairly uneventful. It was syllabus week, so there was barely any homework and no friend groups were fighting yet. It was too soon for any real drama, or at least that's what I was thinking when Friday rolled around.

"Shots! Shots! Shots!" Ryan and Jackson chanted as Bella took her second shot.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to the group, "You know you're not supposed to get wasted during the pregame right?" I chuckled while pulling Bella away from the table.

She rolled her eyes, "You're no fun." She whined.

"Trust me, you'll thank me in the morning." I chuckled while pulling her over to where Maddison and Audrey were sitting. Maddison sat on the couch with a beer as she stared down Carter and Heather while Audrey sat next to her with water, knowing how tonight was going to go.

Bella and Maddison were known for going a bit too far with the alcohol. Bella was a happy drunk with no boundaries while Maddison was an angry drunk who would probably punch someone for looking at her wrong. Thankfully, Maddison knew her limit by now, but that question was a bit debatable when it came to Bella.

"Have you even taken a sip out of that?" Bella rolled her eyes as she gestured to my relatively full solo cup.

"I have to pick up Dom, remember?" I stated while giving her a glare.

"Hey, I just said invite her to the party, you didn't have to offer to drive her." She rolled her eyes.

"She doesn't have a license, Bella. I was being polite." I rolled my eyes.

"Who's this Dom we're talking about?" Audrey asked, suddenly interested.

"Loki's new crush." Bella joked before I could speak.

I hit her on the arm, "I don't have a crush on her." I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm, I didn't think you were gonna let go of her hand on Monday." She chuckled.

"Okay, yes she's pretty. You have to be blind not to see that." I admitted with a sigh.

"So, you don't like her, but you're driving her to the party?" Audrey questioned with her eyebrow raised.

"Apparently Dom likes me and, for some reason, Bella agreed to help her get close to me." I groaned.

"Of course this is Bella orchestrated." Audrey laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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