Chapter 3: Babies... Wait, What?!

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Angelena's POV*

Mommy has been in the delivery room for about 5 hours and uncle Jake, aunt Ella, and I have been in the waiting room the whole time. I'm sitting in aunt Ella's lap and she's playing with my hair, talking to me about getting my nails done for my birthday tomorrow just me and her! It's gonna be so fun! I look over and see daddy walking over to us.

"Daddy!" I get up and run over to him hugging him.

"Hey honey!" He hugged me back.

"Did mommy have the baby yet?" I asked smiling and playing with the ends of daddy's hair.

"Yes she did baby girl, you wanna go meet your new baby brother?" He asked grabbing my hand.

"Yeah!" I clapped happily, he walked me back to mommy's room.

"Hey baby girl!" My mommy said as I walked over to her bed, she was holding the baby.

"Hey mommy." I said and crawled into bed with her and got close to the baby.

"Wanna hold him?" She asked smiling.

"Yes please mommy." I held my arms out. She placed my little brother in my arms, I just looked at him, smiling, how can I love him so much and I've only known him for 2 seconds?

"We have a little surprise hun.." My mom said as my dad turned around with another baby in his arms. Wait... What?!

"What's that?" I asked shocked.

"Hunny, we had twins. One boy one girl!" She smiled as daddy handed her the girl.

"Oh my gosh mommy! I have a little sister too! But.. I like my bubba most." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead.

"Aww, why don't you like your sister?" She asked.

"Cause.. I'm y'all's baby girl.. Not her." I pouted.

"Aww hunny.. You'll always be our baby girl! We just have two baby girl's now. We aren't gonna treat you any different then we do now.." Daddy said playing with my hair then kissed my cheek.

"You sure?" I asked.

"Yes sweetie. We promise." Mommy said.

"Okay." I smiled.

"You wanna hold her?" Mommy asked.

"Sure!" I smiled, daddy took my brother and mommy handed me my sister, I gave my sister a kiss on the forehead.

"Aww how sweet!" Mommy smiled.

"What's they're names?" I asked, looking at my sister, she looks just like mommy.

"Your sister's name is Harley Ann Purdy, and your brothers name is Davidson Ray Purdy." Daddy said as he made the baby's bottles.

"Harley and Davidson.. I love they're names!" I giggled.

"Your dad named them." Mommy chuckled and started feeding Davidson.

"You wanna feed Harley?" Daddy asked holding the bottle out.

"Sure." I said and took the bottle and started feeding her.

"Hold it a little higher baby." Mommy showed me how to hold it.

"This is so fun!" I smiled at mom and dad, then at Harley and Davidson.

3 hours later**

After we fed the babies uncle Jake and aunt Ella came in and seen them for about an hour, then the rest of the guys came to see them. And about an hour later visiting hours were over and I have to go stay the night with uncle Jake and aunt Ella, but I have my own room at they're house so it don't bother me! Well, better go eat dinner before its cold! Uncle Jake made my favorite thing in the whole world! HOMEMADE HAM AND PINEAPPLE PIZZA! Yum!


------------------------------------------------------(A/N: Hey hey! Hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter!! I will try to update more often I promise!! Hope you all liked the surprise! (: and I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! Well I'm off to bed now.. Goodnight, Morning, afternoon, evening, whatever time your reading this! Lol Much love!

Xoxo, Lindsay Outlaw)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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