Chapter 4: On tour with Daddy and uncle Jake!

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Angelena's POV* *About 9 months later*
The baby's are healthy and happy! And mom and dad are good, and I'm awesome as always! We're on tour with daddy and the band and yes! The babies are with us too! Haha they're so cute and funny. I was messing around on mom's phone and cropped together a picture of her when she was two and daddy when he was 5, it's her wallpaper on her phone now.
I got to go onstage with daddy in my Halloween costume while in Las Vegas! I went as daddy circa 2012! Everyone loved it! And mom went as Dolly Parton, the twins went as Jack Skellington and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, they looked adorable! And daddy went as a police officer.

"Angelena? Come here sweetheart!" Mom called from the bunk area.

"Okay!" I started to make my way to mom and dad's bunk.

"Can you hand me the phone please sweetie?" she asked pointing at her iPhone 5s.

"Sure." I grabbed it and handed it to her.. I'm worried about mom.. She's been sick for the past few days... I hope she don't have ebola..

"Hey. Ashley?" She asked after calling my dad. "I'm really sick.. I've thrown up so much today.. I.. Angelena, sweetheart go check on the babies for me okay?" She asked me, guess I'm to young to hear what she's gonna say. I went to check on the babies.

Lindsay's POV*

"Ashley... I think I'm relapsing again.." I say after Angelena is far enough away from the bunks, I start crying.

"Not again baby... Don't say that.." Ashley said sounding like he was almost in tears..

"I'm sorry baby... I'm such a failure.." I cry quietly.

"No you're not baby. You're a fighter.. I'll help you through this just like I did all those years ago.. I'm on my way to the bus right now and I'm taking you to the hospital and you're gonna be okay. Jake said he'll watch the kids. Now put on a jacket and some shoes I'll be there in 5 minutes baby.. I love you." He stated, I could hear his boot on the concreate through the phone, he was almost running.

"Okay. I love you too baby." I weakly smiled and hung up, I put on one of Ashley's jackets cause I knew he wouldn't mind. and then my high top converse. I just stayed in my black leggings and AP Purdy Girl shirt.

"Baby?" I heard Ashley call from the living area of the bus, I slowly made my way to him and hugged him, almost collapsing in his strong arms from being so weak.

"Get me to the hospital Ashley.." I said weakly.

"Mom.. W-What's wrong?" Angelena walked over to me and looked kinda scared.

"Mommy's not feeling well Angelena. You're gonna stay here with uncle Jake and he's gonna watch you while I take her to the hospital." Ashley told her, I let go of him and sat down on the couch.

"Come here baby girl." I opened my arms, she ran and hugged me, I started to cry a little.

"What's wrong mommy?" she asked not wating to let go of me.

"I'm sick sweetheart.. You see when I was younger, about 15 or 16 I started getting sick.. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep.. Then when I was 18 it happened again. And it's happening again now. But, I'm gonna be fine, I' can get medicine that'll help me get better and then we'll go on like this never happened." I told her holding onto her for dear life. "Look at me Angel.." I said pulling her off of me, I looked her in the eyes. "I will be okay.. Now you be a good girl, and help uncle Jake with the babies okay." I assured her I'd be fine.

"Okay mom.. I love you." She hugged me and kissed my cheek, I hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too. I'll be back soon Angel." I stood up slowly and almost fell but Ashley and his fast reflects caught me and picked me up bridal style and carried me to the rental car he got. We buckled up and went on our way to the hospital.

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