Prediction: Anyu's back story

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If you watched the dragon gong and meet Anyu, you would know that Anyu is the dragon.

In the dragon gong when Anyu was in her dragon form she said she had been Trapped in the gong for thousands of years.

Ok so she's been in that gong for thousands of years and she wasn't born in the gong.

So that makes her like 5000 years old?

But you might also ask why is she so short.

My theory might answer that.

So this is what I think her back story is.

At a young age Anyu lived on mystery mountain with a lot of people and she was taught martial arts and was really good at it.

She was also really short.

One day evil ninjas attacked and kill everyone except Anyu.

She ran off and found a magic flute.

She realized that it had great power so she used it to fight the ninjas.

But she failed and got trapped in a gong.

She told herself that she would get revenge on any ninja that was evil.

The gong made her immortal and she didn't grow in size at all inside the gong, but she did get smarter and wiser.

She had to do whatever the ninjas said.

Over the years she got taken by other ninjas

Then one day people found the gong and put her in the museum.

All they needed was the mallet.

And that puts us to when the the dragon gong happened.

And also her parents got killed

So that what I think her back story is!

I mean it makes sense.

And all she needed to escape the gong was to go back to her home, Mystery Mountain!

Welp that's all for now!

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