Predicton: moth girl debut

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I know I already had a theory for moth girl but I have two more!

Ok there's a new episode called moth on the moon and take me to the moon

I think moth girl will debut in that episode

You might say why would they add another new/not new character right after another new/not new character debuts

Well they're not really new characters so does it really matter

But how will she debut?

These are my other two theories

So maybe the Luna moths aren't normal moths and they're alien moths.

They might have a master and that master is moth girl

That would make her an actual new character

So I think she would take Luna's moths so she will have to work with the PJMs to get her moths back

That's one of my theories

Now it's time for the next one

So at the end of moon madness we saw that the crystal was not destroyed after all that moon madness

But a piece might have chipped off making the crystal not do what it's supposed to do

Luna might accidentally shoot Mothzuki and she will morph into a humanoid moth

Well that's my theories!

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