Opinion: PJ Run!

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So there are some pj mask games but they are...

Not for me

I would love for a PJ mask game to be like the game subway surfers!

if I could make that game i would make it like this

So there would be three different places you could run

Mystery mountain, the city, and the moon

well the moon will be in a different mode

i'll explain later

There would be Many characters

The characters would be Catboy, Owlette, Gekko, Armadylan, PJ robot, Anyu, Newton, That monkey person (doesn't matter if it's a villain or not), Night Ninja, Teeny, And luna girl.

There would also be bosses to fight

Oh yea you would also be able to swim in the moat

So the bosses would be romeo, octobella, The wolfy kids, and motsuki

There would also be different outfits to your characters

well some of them would have different outfits

For Gekko it would have like different colors for his suit

For Catboy it would only be one outfit and that would be night panther

For Owlette it would be dark owl

The outfits would cost PJ coins that you get when you run

This is so stupid why did i make this chapter

PJ Masks: opinions, predictions and more!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora