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Hey there! My name's Jemma but you can call me Rogue. I'm 14 and I LOVE books. Oh! Everyone on Wattpad says the same but whatever. I mostly read fiction, sci-fi and romance, maybe even poetry. Currently, I have a poetry book 'Back to Black' and I'm also working on writing teen-fiction (coming out soon).

I wouldn't call myself a writer yet it's more like a hobby. I started using Wattpad for fun, but little did I know that this would help me bring out myself and share my innerness with the world.

I LOVE VIDEO GAMES! If there's anything I cannot live without, it's games. I also like drawing a lot, though I'm not good at it. And, I hate bananas. They are literally a childhood rival of mine and I warn you, you'll never want to bring a banana near me. Trust me, I turn into a monster at the sight of that thing.

Next, you might be wondering how a dork like me became a part of this squad. Well, I have no clue either. It was totally random but I loved the idea of making friends through a shared account, so that could explain why I'm here. I totally believe that over time, we could get more close.

So, that's all I have to say. Thanks to you for checking us out. I guarantee, eventually we're gonna become legendary...XD


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