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I'm Xelyn (Zay-Lin), Male, born on October 13th 1993 so at the time this part is being published I am 26 years old. I'm a writer and an artist and hope to someday become a published author of both traditional novels and comic books/graphic novels. I'm a bit of a geek and also into creepy stuff. I'd just say goth or punk or whatever, but I can't restrict myself to one of those cultures so I just say creepy because every day is Halloween either way. I live in the united states. My favorite color is silver. 

As for my writing, which I know is the important stuff around here, I don't stick to any one genre and like to dabble in a bit of everything. I do have a special place in my heart for sci-fi but I don't like to limit myself to that alone. I write fiction and occasionally really bad poetry. My style is simple and usually very straightforward in language but complicated in subject matter and usually my stories deal with heavy or difficult themes. I'm still learning and hope to improve my writing as I continue to practice, always looking for feedback and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I like to do (tasteful) text based role play off site and often get many of my ideas for stories through this. That means I'm open to the idea of collaborating, though have yet to ever work on a serious story with another person. I love to read, but, sadly, am too busy to do it as often as I'd like anymore. Hopefully that will change with some effort to make time for it.

Other than that, I'm normally friendly and don't bite (often). I'd love to make some writing friends and talk about our stories together. If you've got any questions for me, want to check out my work, or just want to chat, my main account is listed below. 


Who We Are!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora