06 - Same, part 2

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Once he got out of the meat hall, Braan started to search for the young viking blondie in green tunic. This one shouldn't have gone far away by the time, but the new berkian's face didn't memorized yet the village pattern.

Twilight was starting to replace the daylight, the villagers were carrying on their activities as if they were going to stay awake the whole night. Braan wondered if it was always like this, yet he still felt the night would be peaceful and quiet.

He walked the streets for several minutes before he spotted light at the back of the forge, in the little workshop. He remembered seeing Gobber just a few minutes earlier, walking in the opposite direction, so it couldn't be the black-smith. He smiled when he understood it must have been Nuffink, then run to the window, from where he saw the young viking.

Nuffink was sprawling on a desk, sighting and talking to himself with a seemingly tired expression on his face.

''Do they really think I'm not aware of why mom's keeps me here ? Of cours I do. When will I finally have a chance to prove myself ?''

''Nuffink...'' The boy hesitantly said while climbing over the window.

''Braan !''

Nuffink started and straightened, knocking down some charcoal and paper in the operation.

''You scared me. I thought you would stay with the others to... break the ice.''

Braan shrugged with a small smile the viking didn't know how to read. He seemed happy, he may have got along with the group.

''Cool...'' Nuffink said with a bit of sadness in his voice. ''Then what are you doing here ? You should go back, they must be waiting for you.''

''No thanks, me no like them.''

''Do you ? You're not joining them ?''

Braan shook his head vigourously, he seemed a bit sulky. He burried his hands in the pockets of his pants, frowning and pouting.

''You kidding ? Them horrible, me like you more.''

Nuffink couldn't help but laugh in a mix of relief and emotion. So he really had a chance to befriend the boy, hadn't he ?

''Thanks, Braan.''

''No prob.''

His frown disppeared as his bright smile and natural energy showed up again.

''You come forest with me ? Help me search ?''

''Huh... searching what ?''

''Search dragon, duh.'' He told while rolling his eyes, still smiling.

Nuffink got amused but found the situation ironic when he came to rely.

''Dragons live in Drakanheim, the hidden world. I was very lucky to see one once, even more to doble-score. I highly doubt the gods would grant me another time.''

''But it said 'When two come three'.''

'' 'Things come in three', you mean ?''

''Come ooon...'' The boy whinned.

The young viking smirked at that. He rolled his eyes in good measure, but he was only amused. Why did he seem not able to refuse anything to this boy ? Braan laughted a bit then grabbed his sleeve to pull him outside. The two started running and laughing. While passing by, Hiccup heared laughter, then saw them. His gaze followed them until they disppeared behind a house. The chief couldn't help but smile.

This was the first time he saw his son playing with another kid his age. He was relieved at the idea he was making a friend on his own, even if said friend remained a complete mystery.

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