CoCo Pt 1

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MIGUEL (V.O.)Sometimes I think I'm cursed...'cause of something that happenedbefore I was even born.

"that's my voice!" Miguel realised

A story begins to play out on the papel picado.

MIGUEL (V.O.)See, a long time ago there was thisfamily 

The images on the papel picado come to life to illustrate a father, a mother, and a little girl. The family is happy.

MIGUEL (V.O.)The papá, he was a musician.

The papá plays guitar while the mother dances with herdaughter.

MIGUEL (V.O.) He and his family would sing, anddance, and count their blessings... (beat)But he also had a dream... to playfor the world.(beat)And one day he left with hisguitar... and never returned.

"hey! I was murdered on my way back!" Hector comments

"I know that now" Imelda replied

The man walks down a road, guitar slung on his back. Inanother vignette his daughter stands in the doorway, watching her papá leave. Two feet step up next to her. It is her mamá, hardened. She shuts the door 

MIGUEL (V.O.) And the mamá...? She didn't have time to cry over that walkaway musician! (beat) After banishing all music from her life...

"you banned music?" Hiro asks "don't you think that's a bit extreme?"

"yeah, it was nuts, I'm glad I managed to change that rule though" Miguel answers 

The woman gets rid of all of her husband's instruments and records.

MIGUEL (V.O.)She found a way to provide for her daughter... (beat) She rolled up her sleeves and she learned to make shoes. (beat) She could have made candy!

"yeah, why not Candy!" Jaimie and Dash yelled "you ever heard of Cavities?" Tooth asks them and Jack stifles a laugh 

Amongst the papel picado, a stick swings at a strung uppiñata which bursts with candy...

MIGUEL (V.O.)Or fireworks!

"fire works are so easy to make their boring" Hiro says and Tadashi agrees 

Fireworks go off in the background... 

MIGUEL (V.O.) Or sparkly underwear for wrestlers!

"why? just why?" Violet asks and got no response

Sparkly underwear and a luchador mask hang on a line amongstother linens...

MIGUEL (V.O.)But no... she chose shoes...

On the papel picado, the little girl becomes a young woman. 

MIGUEL (V.O.) Then she taught her daughter to make shoes. And later, she taught her son-in-law. 

She introduces a suitor to the family business. 

MIGUEL (V.O.) Then her grandkids got roped in. As her family grew, so did the business. 

In the next vignette, a bunch of goofy grandchildren join in the shoemaking. The shoe shop is full of family! 

MIGUEL (V.O.) Music had torn her family apart,

"no, it didn't that was De La Cruz" Imelda mutters to herself to avoid spoilers 

but shoes held them all together.(beat) You see, that woman was my great- great grandmother, Mamá Imelda.

"oh, I was wandering what this story had to do with you guys" Jack said to the Rivearas 

TILT DOWN from the papel picado to theOFRENDA ROOM - DAYwhere a photo sits at the top of a beautiful altar. The photo features MAMÁ IMELDA -- serious, formidable. She holds a baby on her lap. Her husband stands beside her, but his face has been torn away.

"that's why I could never visit" huffed Hector annoyed 

MIGUEL (V.O.) She died WAY before I was born. But my family still tells her story every year on Día de los Muertos -- the Day of the Dead... (beat) And her little girl? 

Fade from the face of the little girl to present day MAMÁ COCO, a living raisin, convalescing in a wicker wheelchair. 

"WOW, how old is she?" Edith asks as Lucy tries to quiet her 

MIGUEL (V.O.) She's my great grandmother, Mamá Coco.

"Now the name makes sense" Margo comments to everyone's agreement 

A boy walks into frame and kisses her on the cheek.This is our narrator, MIGUEL.MIGUELHolá, Mamá Coco.

MAMÁ COCOHow are you, Julio?

"Julio? what the..." Dash asks

MIGUEL (V.O.)Actually, my name is Miguel. MamáCoco has trouble rememberingthings... But it's good to talk to her anyway. So I tell her pretty much everything.

 "yes, you did" Coco smiles 

QUICK CUTS of Miguel with Mamá Coco:

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