CoCo Pt2

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EXT. COURTYARD MIGUEL I used to run like this...

Miguel pumps his arms with his hands in fists. Then he switches to flat palms.

MIGUEL But now I run like this which is way faster!

"yep, it is" peter agrees

CUT TO: INT. MAMÁ COCO'S ROOM Miguel, in a luchador mask, climbs onto the bed, arms raised.

MIGUEL And the winner is... Luchadora Coco!

Miguel leaps off the bed onto a pile of pillows that bursts, sending feathers onto Mamá Coco who wears a mask of her own.

"Miguel, what have we told you about bursting pillos" Enrique sighs Coco laughs at how silly she looks

CUT TO: EXT. DINING AREA Miguel leans toward Mamá Coco at the dinner table.

MIGUEL I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side. Dimple. No dimple. Dimple. No dimple--

ABUELITA Miguel! Eat your food. Miguel'sAabuelita runs the table like a ship captain. She gives Mamá Coco a kiss on the head.

MIGUEL (V.O.) My Abuelita? She's Mamá Coco's daughter.

Abuelita piles extra tamales on Miguel's plate.

ABUELITA Aw, you're a twig, mijo. Have some more.

"ya know, she has a point there" Bob.p says

MIGUEL No, gracias.

ABUELITA I asked if you would like more tamales.


ABUELITA That's what I THOUGHT you said.

MIGUEL (V.O.) Abuelita runs our house just like Mamá Imelda did

"yes, she does" Imelda confirms

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