Discovering my abilities

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Time flies. That's what results into the reconstruction of tomorrow from today. yeah, that's a bit odd to talk about, things that are gonna happen tomorrow; but somehow I just got it in me. Certain things happened that showed that I'm a time traveler. like some elder guys used to catch up on me and praise my literature skills. I used to feel a bit odd as i was never into writings as in literature ! I just used to keep a daily diary that too on bullets to remind of whatever happened on a given day later on. i never got to know those skills. I even used to find some mention of a boy called Max who used to jot down time travel thoughts. But hey, i was never doing that ! Those aforesaid jotted down documents where never brought to light, so I was left empty handed trying to find what was going on with time travel. Me writing something about time-travel, that too getting published without my notice ?! That was a lot awkward ! I was embarrassed to me. I used to hear people make fun of me due to baseless explanations made by me on time travel, inside my head. To be honest, I was afraid of my time - ' thinking' - travel ability being revealed. Nevertheless I got to know how things changed.

Years passed by. everything went on as usual with a little topping of the time spice. I grew into my late teens, and the most vital time of my school life set in. I almost became unaware of that 'oh - so - special' ability I had in me for the last few years. As y'all know, during the late teens some 'changes' take place, and mine was no exception. Like suddenly my heart spoke, "Isn't there anything else in this world except science?" Took me to the bones ! Believe me, I had fallen in love - just a natural reflex responding to the various hormonal changes taking place inside of my body. But like old times, it got amplified by sense of 'time' - I could already look into tomorrow. that shocks me even now ! That love was momentary, it was just an infatuation.I could foresee it. This happens with most of the dumb af guys out there but I already considered myself out of the flock. The time - travel things haunts me even now. It did take away the joy of certain earthly desires. I grew to be incommunicable. Fine, I'll just bear with it for the rest of my life. I chose to hold on at any cost to this power I had. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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