one|| three years before

5 0 0

Mayi's P.O.V.

" Han Jisung, I swear to the gods, I am going to hunt you down if you're late!"

" Late? Mayi, are you even listening to yourself? It's 5 a.m. and I don't understand why you're at the airport THIS EARLY WHEN OUR FLIGHT IS AT 12:00!"

I sighed. This man really doesn't have any idea on how the Philippine Airport works.

" I am not going to pay for the tickets if we missed our flight," I said before finally hanging up.

It's 5 am.

Jisung's right, I am really early. I should've come at 6:00 a.m. Now, I'm going to waste one hour lying on the airport floor for being early.

I never really planned on coming with Jisung on this trip, but since he persuaded my mom, I would like to take this opportunity to get out of this country.

Not that I hate Philippines entirely, I love it. I really do. I just need a new environment to grow, like getting out of the comfort zone. That's why I am thankful for Jisung.

If his spoiled ass didn't decide to spend his vacation here in the Philippines, I didn't know it would be that fun. ( It's more fun in the Philippines, get it? :> Okay)

Jisung and I are inseparable. It's because we grew together. Knowing he's an only-child and most of the time his parents are busy with their work, he spent most of his  childhood years with us here in the Philippines.

At first it was nerve wracking how hyper he can be. When I was a child, I'm not the active type. Most of the time, I spent my days in a room with my game boy playing super mario and reading comics. So when Jisung came, it was a mess. He never stops talking. Never.

There's this one time when I literally cried my eyes out because he keeps on talking while I am trying to watch my favorite show. It's at the climax part so I really wanted to pay attention to everything. I never understood anything since he kept on telling his story on how he fell off his bike and I cried after knowing that the tv station will never air the show again. Jisung felt so sorry when I didn't talk to him for a month so, everyday, he sneaks into my room to put cookies on my desk as a peace offering. Looking back, it was really cute but now I am really angry at him.

You might be wondering why I am going with him on this trip. Jisung had always wanted to pursue music as his career. He's never hesitant and had always been so sure about his life decisions, that's why I support him. He persuaded his parents to let him study the English language here in the Philippines, explains why he is currently bothering me right now.

Since his English learning course finished, he's now going to Korea to audition at some talent agencies. Honestly, I don't know how that thing works. Here in the Philippines, as long as you have the looks, mixed or you really have a sad backstory, you are already welcome in the entertainment industry. 

Coming with him was unplanned, like reallyyyy unplanned.

I didn't expect that my parents would permit me going with him and spend my vacation in an unfamilar place. Korea's not a bad place after all, maybe after this trip, I might think of a course that I wanted to pursue.

It's another life crisis.

I said to myself.

|7:00 a.m|

Ugh. I am so bored.

I scrolled through my twitter feed to read more articles, searching for anything that can stimulate my imagination.

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