Author's Note

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Yes, it's finally happening! 
So, first things first. I need a cover. Please send them to * * and I'll use what I like, put the others in a separate chapter, and rotate them when I have time, as usual. You're all pros by now, you know the drill. AND, AND, before I forget, please, please, PLEASE don't forget to tell me your Wattpad username when you send me the covers!!! It's no end of headache when I get emails from you, but no username! Or, better yet, PUT YOUR USERNAME ON THE COVER!! Even if it's in small letters in the corner, like signing your work, then I don't even have to worry about it, yeah, please?
And I love fan art, you guys, but for some reason you've stopped sending it to me. You all seem to ship Clio and Archie so much, so if you draw them, put them on a bag or whatever, show me, okay? I'll put it in the chapter with the other covers, promise I will! Again, be sure to sign your work with your Wattpad username, please.
And my usual disclaimer, I'll update when I can, so don't get frustrated if a few days go by and nothing happens, okay? I'm doing a lot off Wattpad these days, and it's how I (try to) earn a living, so cut me some slack, okay? And support me by buying and reviewing my Amazon stuff if you can? Because my Wattpad stuff will be the stuff that goes if something has to go, okay? I don't want it to, but it's the icing, the other stuff's the cake, if you get my drift 😉 I'm doing my best to keep my Wattpad stuff up, but every time one of you buys something of mine, or leaves a review, or both, or signs up for my website VIP newsletter, it helps me tremendously, okay? And most of my bonus stuff goes straight to my monthly newsletter these days, and it's totally free, so why wouldn't you sign up for it, anyway? Next month's newsletter contains a bonus chapter about Francie Santangelo getting bullied at school, and the newsletter's the only place in the galaxy that you can read it, so it would be a good idea to sign up, I think lol.
So, that's about it. We're all good friends by now, we know how things work. I'll be traveling for the next few weeks, and getting the sequel for The PA ready for publication on Amazon, so updates for this story will be sporadic. I will do my best, though, all right?


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