247 5 10

french fry
why are we still
calling me french fry
that was a seggy thing

st. patrice
brad is crying now

nose face killah
i miss seggy

bonafide stallion
brad you can't
make fun of my napping
anymore cuz your crying now

nose face killah
none of you know the
seggy era

i actually do
cuz you know
i'm from here
and grew up a b's fan

tall guy
the man went
to the parade

nose face killah
and dreamed of being
like me

commercial dude
bradley are you still

st. patrice
he is

nose face killah
don't bring up seggy
and i won't cry

french fry
but jake why'd
you name my french fry

miller light
yeah and why am
i a beer

best jd in boston
cuz i thought it would
be funny

moore please
yeah what's up with
my name

best jd in boston
it's all i could
come up with

brick wall 2.0
i actually appreciate
my name

brick wall
me too

really tall guy
wow jake

st. patrice

nose face killah

commercial dude


miller light

scorey torey

moore please

bonafide stallion

weymouth's own

walpole's king


tall guy

french fry

brick wall

brick wall 2.0

cool man

cliffy hockey

best jd in boston
thanks guys...

your welcome

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