Chapter 1- A new addition

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( read the description of the book please before reading thank you, This is a remake of the other book I made, hope you enjoy)

It started on a bright beautiful morning, Three boys awake that morning and went downstairs and this morning is going to change their lives forever. Fresh (the youngest boy)awoke first getting changed into his normal cloths and going downstairs to make breakfast, their mother wasn't home and their 'aunt' was looking after them. Fresh didn't know where his mother went because Geno was home but he shrugged it off.He had got some fruit loops for breakfast and ate them while watching the TV, he was watching Tuxedo masks. Geno comes downstairs with Error. Error gives a glare towards Fresh,He didn't care though and continued watching the TV while Fresh munched on his fruit loops. Geno goes to the kitchen with Error and they grab a bowl of some other cereals they had in the kitchen. They all agreed on a Pokemon movie. Ink comes down the stairs with a big smile.

"Morning guys"! Ink says with his existed tone. He grabbed some cereal and came back with a bowl of lucky charms. He sat down next to Error who was messing around with his strings. Comyet walks down the stairs and greets everyone with a smile seeing them watch a movie together.

"Boys your mother will be home soon" Comyet said looking at Geno,Error and Fresh. The boys nod and Geno gets curious.

"Where did mum go"? Geno asked, his voice filled with curiosity. The boys all look at Comyet awaiting her answer.

"Its a secret" Comyet says with a smile. "You will have to wait and see" Comyet then goes into the kitchen to receive breakfast.

The boys decide to play Pokemon on their game boy's. Fresh had Pokemon yellow, Geno had Pokemon Red and Error had Pokemon blue. Ink just drew some pictures while they had their mini Pokemon battle tournament. The tournament ended around an hour later and the victor turned out to be Fresh. Error got really salty. Fresh didn't care though. There was a knock on the door and Comyet answered the door to Cq. Cq comes into the room and The boys look over to see Cq holding what appears to be a pink blanket. The boys where confused, Geno asked "Mum, what are you holding"? Geno asked curiously.

"Boys lets sit on the couch" Cq says sitting on the couch, the boys sitting next to her. "Boys meet your new sister, Craft" Cq says revealing the small child's face. Geno's eyes Turn into stars, Fresh just looks at Craft and gives a small smile While Error just looks away in anger.

"Can I hold her mum"? Geno asked.

"Of course, just be careful the doctor says she is a bit fragile" Cq says,carefully handing Craft to Geno reminding him to hold her head up. Geno smiles and his eyes are stars and Craft giggles and smiles up at Geno. Fresh gives a little smile and Craft look at Fresh and smiles at his big glasses.

"Yo there Lil' dudette" Fresh says. Craft giggles at Fresh's words and wiggles in Geno's arms. Cq gets a bottle of milk.

"Would you like to feed her dear"? Cq asked looking at Geno. Geno nodded and Cq gave a demonstration on how to properly feed her. "Just hold her like normal and make sure to hold the bottle up,not tilted" Cq says and Geno holds Crafts head and begins to feed her the milk. Holding the bottle to her mouth Craft drinks slowly. Geno is buzzing with happiness and contains it as to not disturb Craft. When Craft had finished eating She squirmed a little. Cq gently picked her up from Geno's arms, putting her over her shoulder and burping her. She let out the cutest little burp and everyone, except Error, Awed at the cute little burp.

About a week later-

It was around 5AM and Cq was quietly snoozing, warm in her bed. Until she heard Crafts cries. Cq sighed and pushed the covers off herself and gets up walking to the crib. She lets out a yawn and picks up Craft holding her to her chest gently rocking her,Cq sat on the bed still rocking Craft.Craft's cries have turned to quiet sobs. "there you go" Cq says slowly putting Craft back into her crib and tucking her in her little blanket and Cq kissed her forehead and saw Fresh watching her.

Momma Cq Remake (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now