Chapter 16

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After Ross dismissing that it was going to be just south of a twenty hour flight, I find myself in my dorm, on my bed. A folder in my paws, a stack of books off to my side. What was I missing? What was Faith's end game? We've already theorized she's going to facilities to take serums and bombs and then burn it down to erase any trails, but what if she is going to Snake Island?

"Vilar, is there any reason she could be going back to Snake Island?"

"Boost her powers? I'm not sure, my friend. I'm sorry," he sighs.

"Boost her powers?"

"The greater population of the island is Lancehead vipers, a bite wouldn't kill you, it would simply make you stronger since you already have the venom flowing through you, and it would just add to it."

"That's one idea..." I place down the file, grab the tablet from on the desk, and start doing a search.

"What's on your mind?"

"I want to get a guesstimate of how large Faith's army is right now," I reply. I pull up missing persons reports from Winnipeg, Jasper, and Vancouver. "It's safe to assume about seventy five percent of all reports from these cities are in relation to her... let's filter it for anyone with any ties to the Canadian government... Ahah - oh. That's... not a lot of furs. Fifteen total, that's a very small army."

"What're the chances some have all four swirls however?," Vilar interjected.

"You said it yourself, even I was an extremely rare case, but I have no doubt that at least one is a tri-fuse and one's a bi-fuse," I sigh, bowing my head and running a paw through it. "Vilar... how much do you want to bet that half these furs have families and while they are now weapons of destruction, are also prisoners to Faith's unruly plan..." There was no response. "How much do you want to bet that those furs on board that train were families! Those four furs back in Winnipeg!"

"You're right, Blue, they probably did have families, but this is all to protect a million more families... but I believe you have another idea in mind - and what I say? I agree, let's just hope the others do as well."

"Thank you, Vilar.

"No problem, now, let's get into finding out why she could be heading that far South with such a small army."

I pull up the most recent footage of Faith, and a questions strikes me. "Hey, Vilar, why is she still carrying around that snake? Surely the other leader would've recognized either her or one of the fifteen other furs as potential targets to transfer over?"

"...Maybe the other leader sense they already have a form of it? We're not allowed to jump back to furs who already have a form of us, and technically, they all do."

"Then kidnap another fur and just transfer it over?"

"Ah... she might not be the brightest tool in the shed right now. She's currently running on the desire for revenge and her anger."

I was about to reply when a sluggish Peyton walked through the door. "You doing okay," I ask as he climbs up to his bunk.

"Yea...," he says rather slowly.

"So, you're gonna fuck me, then lie to me, uh-uh. That's not how this is gonna work," I say climbing the ladder.

Peyton grunts with an eye roll and says, "I'm just thinking about Kino, I'm going to where he's from and where I... ya know."

"Bro," I start by grabbing his paw with an encouraging smile. "We've been over this. You did the right thing, and what followed was an accident. You didn't mean to kill him, and the fact that it still affects you after all these years shows how much you care. Don't place your mind too heavily on it."

"... I know, I just... I just need to be alone - with my thoughts... just for a small while," he said looking away, his thumb rubbing over my paw.

"Okay, just call me back in if you need something - anything," My smile grows. He nods and I climb back down the ladder, grab the folder, books and tablet, and walk out.

The sound of my paws against the metal floor echoed down the hall, my eyes drift to the small windows on each door as I passed. My mind was about to go into a frenzy about how to help Peyton at least be comfortable with heading back to Brazil, when my name is shouted. The shout is quickly followed by more paws on the metal floor and I turn. "Do you wanna do some training, maybe bulk up our abilities?," Marlene asks. This was probably the first time I have ever seen her with a smidge of joy.

"Sure, why not, I need to get my mind off a couple things," I shrug.

"Cool, throw that stuff in the conference room and meet me in the training facility in ten," she cheered, giving me a fist bump and running ahead.

With a shrug, I walk into the conference room and plop down my stuff. "Got anything new?," Ross asks. He didn't look at me, he just kept his eyes locked on the computer screen as he kept swiping through files.

"No, not really. I just picked up on that there might be a bigger plot at play here." He paused and looked over at me with a curious look. "Out of the three facilities she hit, she only took fifteen total furs to be a part of her army. Yes, while they may be stronger than your average fur, the most they can truly do is little with one power. Hell the most furs with yellow can do is be a glowstick in a cave or temporarily blind."

"That's... true..."

"Deixe esse espírito me deixar. Deixe sua voz ser falada do anfitrião." With that the clone of me appeared and Vilar gave me a very confused look. "Right, how about this, is there a way that this enchantment can be broken?"

"Not that I'm aware of, furs have tried for centuries, but have not succeeded... wait," he paused, leaning forward in his seat, stroking his chin. "There's a lighthouse on Snake Island where the leader of the serpents once had a temple, deep below the surface, there is a maze of tombs, and in one of them is a book of all his enchantments."

"So, could it be possible that she's just trying to get to snake island to break the enchantment?," Ross suggested.

"If that were the case, why make a million other stops and bulk up an arsenal of bombs and superfur serum," I reply.

"Maybe to eliminate the chances of someone replicating what happened to her?," Vilar offers.

"Then why would she leave the sheet with all the working formulas at each location?"

"We're missing something, I just don't know what!"

"We probably will find out when we get to Paulo or Campina Grande...," Vilar sighs.

"Vilar, are you absolutely sure that there is nothing you know that could help us figure this out?," I smally pleaded. The fur hung his head in dismay and shook his head. "Right, well, I'm supposed to meet Marlene to do some training, Vilar, is it possible to leave you here? Like, in clone form?"

"As long as you don't leave this carrier, than it is physically possible for me to stay in clone form."

"Great, you can brainstorm with me," Ross said.

"I suggest doing a deeper search into our legend, see if we can find anything."

As the two almost immediately plunged into research, I ran down the hall to the training room. From inside, I could hear grunts and snarls as Marlene was probably handing a punching bag's ass to it. I slowly proceed into the room to find my assumption correct. She jumped up into a roundhouse kick and sent the punching bag flying off it's hook. Am I about to die? Yes, yes I am.


Crazy Bitches (Triquel to A crush or a Friend) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now