The School

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-ther .. Brother. "Mmm" Turkey opened his eyes slowly. He was feeling very sleepy that morning. He saw Azerbaijan, his brother. "Brother get up, we have to go to school". Oh right- He got up and went to bathroom. He looked at the mirror and saw under of his eyes. "Ugh" He found his red make-up and let them disappear. "Another day to remove some kebab remover... ha ha" he slowly laughed.

  After he wore his uniform he went to kitchen. He saw Azerbaijan preparing breakfast. He helped too. At the time when he took a sip from his reddish tea they saw UN, the school principal. He was talking to TV for school's first day. "Uhhh are we late? Turkey asked. "I don't think so-" then two of them's eyes went to clock. And yes, they were fucking late. Turkey slurped all of his tea and Azer showed his piece of bread to his mouth. After the rush, they started to run. But hey! They're don't even know where the fucking school was. Azer stopped his brother and said "There are a few students let's just ya'know, follow them?" "We had no choice". After that thing, they finally found the school. 

   When they were enter the school they were out off the breath. Someone came and said "Why you two were in a rush?" . It was Kazakhstan. "There are twenty minutes for school to start." "B-but how?" surprised short man asked. "Principal said that on TV-" "Oh" both of them said at the same time. "Soooooo do you know where the list is?" long red man asked. "Come with me" winged boi said as he begin to walk. 

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     "I found my class!" Azerbaijan said happily. "Who is in your class?" Kazakhstan asked while Turkey searching his. "Oh man, I'm in same class with Armenia" "If something happens tell me" Turkey said with a  serious tone. "And found it." he said. "I will see you in break" Kazakh said as he went to his classroom. "Well, I better get going too" "Then see you in break time" he said as short male went too. When Turkey entered his class he saw most of his classmates were in the classroom. There were barely empty desks. Options were Greece, Russia and Macedonia.

   "Can I sit here?"he asked in polite, "Sure why not" FYROM answered. It's gonna be a long day he though under Serbia's glares. He was really annoyed. Like always. He was also a fucking annoying brat. The wierd part is he was proud of it. Wierd huh. And then what did he do? He glared back. What a fucking nice way to communicate with people. But gladly teacher I Don't Know Who camed and made them end this acts of theirs.

Is This Ok? - RusKey (Russia x Turkey) COUNTRYHUMANS [WARNING: SMUT]Where stories live. Discover now