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July 16th - 11:00am

                                                                                     "That's it" Logan declared as soon as they were off the plane and walking down the tunnel towards the building, "I'm never sitting in an enclosed space with Roman again" he emphasised his name by shooting a glare at the man who wore a devilish smirk - he had managed to snag the seat beside Logan much to his protests and annoyed him to no end throughout the entire flight.

Virgil couldn't stop him either for he was tending to Patton who was vomiting every five minutes. Flying did not settle well with the poor boy. "Oh, you're so easy to pester" Roman mused, stretching his arms above his head while letting out a yawn which set Virgil off too, the man elbowing Roman for it after.

Logan sighed heavily, deciding to be the bigger person and ignore Roman's childish behaviour to stand beside Patton and curl an arm around his waist, holding up the man who was very woozy and tired. It was a long flight and he barely managed to get any sleep unlike the rest of them. "Water?" Logan offered in a soft voice, holding up the spare water bottle he had brought along.

Patton gave him a grateful smile, shaky hands grasping the bottle and putting it to his lips, gulping it down slowly like Logan suggested.

The four men gathered their suitcases and bags before leaving the airport as quick as they could, wanting to get Patton to the fresh air outside before he might be sick again but Logan assured them now they were off the plane he would be fine.

"You said we were getting picked up?" Virgil asked his fiancé who was currently gazing around the airport parking lot, his eyes proving his mind was elsewhere. "Yes" Logan answered for him, "his eldest brother Nicolás" Virgil winced a little (like he was sure he did when he was first told) Nicolás wasn't the greatest with new people. He wasn't shy or anxious but rude and snarky - with his family he was a complete teddy bear, especially around his partner Bailey and their son Lucas but new people? He just prayed Logan wouldn't retaliate. Thankfully Nicolás has become used to his presence over the years so he was cool around him.

Meanwhile, Roman sat atop of his suitcase which he laid on the ground, even if he got some sleep he was still tired and would much rather sit than stand and wait for his brother who he was sure would be purposely late. They're siblings, Roman would do the same to him. Some of his family were already here, they arrived a few days ago and rented two houses - half would stay one in, the other half in the other house as there were too many for one. Virgil's family would be arriving throughout the week like the rest of Roman's and would be staying in the house they rented out which was close by.

And then Roman's eyes caught onto something. They narrowed and he craned his neck to try and see but it was gone in a flash. He could've sworn he just saw-...quickly he shook his head. No, no that would be impossible. He was taken away from them years ago.

He rubbed his eyes and sighed, maybe he was delusional from the flight. The thought made him chuckle and stretch his body again - he needed to sleep on an actual bed for the rest of the day.

Turning around, he gestured for Virgil to sit beside him so once he made sure Patton was okay he left his suitcase with theirs and sat down beside Roman, happily leaning into his side when he wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close. "I love you" Roman whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his temple, unable to be very affectionate with Virgil on the plane due to the fact they were so busy with their friends.

Virgil tried to hide his smile, turning his head to the side. "I love you too, dork" he responded quietly and Roman beamed, always adoring how easily flustered Virgil became with any sort of affection.

While Roman carried on kissing his face, they broke apart when a horn beeped twice and a shiny white car rolled up before them. Roman lazily grinned at his eldest brother who opened the car door and stepped out onto the pavement. As usual his black hair was cut short and styled neatly - Roman being the only male out of his siblings to have brown hair, sharing the colour with his sisters.

Nicolás' brown eyes landed on Roman and the corner of his lips lifted. "Roman" he greeted, raising an eyebrow at the hands Roman lifted up to him. "Help me up?" Instead Nicolás stared at him blankly as a silent way of portraying the fact he would not be doing that, quickly turning to Virgil afterwards who smirked at Roman's huff.

"Virgil" he nodded his head slightly, Virgil raising his hand to press two fingers to his forehead before pushing them away as a two-fingered salute.

Then Nicolás looked at the two men behind them who leaned on the wall, the man with the tie having his entire attention on the man with a grey cardigan and Nicolás small smile drifted away, leaving a grimace in it's place. Virgil noticed and silently brought Roman's attention to it. The man sighed over-dramatically, heaving himself up.

"Leave them alone, Nick, they're friends" Roman teased, using the nickname he knew only Bailey was allowed to use. Now the man's glare was directed at Roman who kissed the palm of his hand, blowing it in his direction. "I will leave you here to walk" Nicolás warned but Roman knew he'd do no such thing. He loved his family as much as he wouldn't admit it.

Putting their suitcases into the back, Roman sat upfront while Virgil, Logan and Patton squished into the back, Patton sitting beside the door so he could have the wind hitting his face. Logan held his hand gently as a constant reassurance which Patton was very grateful for.

"How's mami?" Roman asked, eyes focused on the world they drove past, remembering some old buildings and roads from years ago when they have here for holidays. "Ella está bien, aunque no muy conforme con los dos nuevos invitados que fallaste en mencionar que venían" Nicolás responded while shooting him a less than pleased look.

Roman scoffed, waving his hand around. "You know her, she'll be happy with it, the more the merrier" and Nicolás rose his eyebrow in surprise that Roman didn't respond in Spanish but let it slide as he knew Virgil couldn't speak it and maybe didn't want him to feel left out.

"Aún así, ¿cuáles son sus nombres?" Nicolás continued and Roman chuckled, pulling out his phone and typing their names down (and a small description so he knew who was who) for him to read so the two wouldn't worry, thinking they were talking bad about them or anything.

Once he did, Nicolás nodded, looking in the rearview mirror to gaze at them. He guessed the two were dating from how easily they seemed to cuddle, especially with the fact Patton pressed a soft kiss to Logan's cheek.

And Virgil watched on from the backseat, his lips pulled into a worrisome but confused frown. He knew Roman was trying to hide how tense he was - plus he couldn't seem to get his eyes off the city around them while usually if he was talking to someone in the car he'd face them or stare out the front window, never the side for this long.

He could assume Roman was just looking at the country he hadn't visited for so long, but his anxiety told him different and while his anxiety was a pain in the ass it's usually not wrong when it begins to worry about people and notice little things someone doesn't usually do if they're okay.

Roman was anxious, Virgil could tell from his tense posture, the way one hand tapped against his thigh and how distant he seemed even mid conversation with his brother.

Plus, why was he speaking English? Around his family Virgil often had to remind Roman that he couldn't understand a word he was saying.

Virgil crossed his arms and finally stopped staring at his fiancé. He'd ask him about it later, for now he should try and at least get a baring on the new space around him for they'd all be here for a while and the last thing he wanted to do was get lost in a big, new city.

He just hoped Roman was okay.

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