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July 19th - 10:00am

                                                                                                             A few days had passed since Roman, Virgil, Patton and Logan had arrived. Over the course of those days more of Roman's family had arrived and now all of his siblings were here. Along with Nicolás, Isabella and their partners Bailey and James plus their kids Lucas and Daniel there was Calloway an his husband Eli, their kids Emiliano and Jerónimo, Valentina and her wife Ava with their child Samantha, and the youngest Valeria who hadn't a partner or kids.

With all of them there it was a chaos of sibling rivalry, they were so vastly different it wasn't hard for fights to start up amongst them which almost always ended with them all getting involved and picking sides - no matter if they were all 'mature' adults. Virgil had bared witness to this many times over the years he's lived with Roman so it didn't quite phase him - Logan and Patton on the other hand were a little perturbed, they seemed so hostile yet a few minutes later they were all joking around with each other.

They supposed that was the way their family worked.

"Izzy! How is your son acting more mature than you are!?" Alejandro exclaimed to Isabella who was currently running throughout the house like a mad man, a bright grin permanently stretched across her face. After Samantha (Valentina's daughter) commented that Isabella probably couldn't run around the entire house in under two minutes she was out of her chair and doing exactly that - of course Samantha couldn't give less of a shit if she could or not, she just wanted the comfortable chair she occupied prior.

Isabella's son, Daniel, was sitting quietly in the living room on his phone, looking up when he heard his title being called. "Can she stay in the house with Virgil's family?" Valeria, the youngest sibling, suggested, currently lounging on the back of the longest couch. She was an odd ball in that she would never sit normally on any sort of chair, and when she was told to she'd fidget uncomfortably until the horror of it all was over.

"Or a hotel room a few miles away" Nicolás suggested, his partner Bailey shook their head in amusement, knowing Nicolás didn't mean a word. Currently Bailey was watching their ten year old son, Lucas, entertain himself with a beautiful leaf he had found in the garden. He sometimes liked to collect little bits of nature and press them inside a book (which he left at home for keep safe) but he wished he had it so he could add this leave to his collection.

"Maybe" Isabella panted from the doorway, holding up her phone that read 'one minute and thirty two seconds' to prove she had completed the competition set. She knew what Samantha was doing but that wouldn't mean she'd back down, besides prior to this she was bored and was always up for getting up and moving. "You guys need to stop being so jealous that I'm better than you"

Roman threw back his head in a laugh and Virgil sighed out, his expression falling flat. "Better? Oh don't flatter yourself, Izzy, we all know I'm the best" he held a hand to his chest, as he said this Nicolás, Izzy and Valeria stared at him with the same 'wanna bet?' look which made Virgil and Patton chuckle lightly, Logan simply rolled his eyes. Roman's siblings could get quite competitive when it came to who was the best. It ran in the family. The only two who never really got involved was Valentina and Calloway, Valentina didn't mind because she knew they were all the best in their own way. Besides she wasn't even here, she was outside with her wife. The two liked walking around in nature together.

Calloway didn't care, he didn't really hold people to the 'who is the best' standard but that didn't mean he doesn't get involved in other types of arguments or competitions between them all. Right now he was laying on his husband, Eli's, lap, deeply interested in the book he was reading from. That was how one would usually find him, reading from one book or another - he could read over ten books at once and periodically would switch through them. However he wouldn't read a book series, he could never get into them. Eli on the other hand didn't read often, his free time was either with his family or with his work. He was passionate about his job and, like right now, would even spend his holiday working away.

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