Texting Ashton

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Y/N: Hey Ashton?

Ashton logs on

Ashton: yeah? What's up

Y/N: oh..you know

Ashton: no....I don't know

Y/N: pssshhhhhh

Ashton: I don't know! I honestly don't! Tell me

Y/N: oh, so you don't know?

Ashton: I don't

Y/N: you DON'T know?

Ashton: ok! Does it LOOK like I know?

Y/N: ugh, you're so hard to work with

Ashton: well! It'll be fricken easier once you tell me!

Y/N: Ooh...feisty now aren't we?

Ashton: AHHHHH! Just tell me !!

Y/N: hmmm....

Ashton: hmmm what! It's on your mind! Just say it!

Y/N: uhhh..no I don't think I will...

Ashton: Y/N! Tell me right now! At this instant!

Y/N: are you my dad?

Ashton: No! Well....no!

Y/N: Ashton Fletcher Irwin! Wtf was that "well...." about!?

Ashton: well! If you tell me, than I'll tell you!

Y/N: damn straight I'm gonna tell you

Ashton: great! So tell me!

Y/N: ehhhhhh.....no....i don't think I will right now...

Ashton: God damnit! Y/N!!

Y/N: aww babe, why are you mad?

Ashton: because you won't tell me!!

Y/N: and is that my fault?

Ashton: Yes! You're the one that should tell me!

Y/N: well, it's my own secret

Ashton: I'll get it out of you somehow!

Y/N: no. I don't think you will. Not when I'm aware at least

Ashton: so...I do it when you're...unaware?

Y/N: I never said that, now did I?

Ashton: what?

Y/N: the cow ate the bear after he said Wakanda Forever!

Ashton: Y/N you're so confusing right now!

Y/N: that's the point

Ashton: whats the point?

Y/N: confusion shows weakness

Ashton: how?

Y/N: and boom!

Ashton: what? I don't get it?

Y/N: sir, I'm sorry to say this...BUT

Ashton: huh?


Ashton: I hate you

Y/N: I love you

Ashton: I love you!

Y/N: I hate you...

Ashton: you're a dick

Y/N: oh. So I've been told!

Ashton: urrrggghhhh

Y/N: hehe

Ashton: sjwnsow ajw skwm

Ashton: wiqmakwma amqoqm

Ashton: woqmabdgdwiqnala

Ashton: ska alamwishvbsa

Y/N: Ash?

Y/N: are you having a heart attack or something? 😂

Ashton: Sorry. Calum tried taking the phone.

Y/N: of course he did!

Ashton: hey! It's Calum. Finally got the phone. Heh. Anyways, you got Ashton mad. So, what was that message you wanted to tell to him

Y/N: promise you won't tell him ;)

Ashton: promise!

Y/N: I'll delete this afterwards but...

Ashton: alright!

Y/N: hey Ashton

Ashton: whah?

Y/N: I'm literally in FRONT of you!

Ashton: oh shiz

Y/N: -_- you're impossible

Ashton: oh come on!

Y/N: by the way, you forgot your pants. You're only in your boxers

Y/N has logged off

Ashton: what?

Ashton: OH HOLD UP!!


Ashton: Y/N!!!

Ashton has logged off


Well. I wish this was based of of a true story between Ashton and another band member, but meh. One can only dream

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