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He was the one I loved all a long, the one I wanted to give my heart to.

Because of one stupid thing/decision I made he now hates me and I don't know what I am going to do if I don't have him in my life!?

One girl that likes him I envy because I am sure he will move to her next, but who knows what he will do.

Apparently he has never lied and is a perfect human being I am not going to tell you who this is but this person knows who he is.

He knew that I loved him with all my life and it is not fair that he can point out one flaw that I have and hate me, when I could point out many of his to.

If this is what love is than I guess I will either have to accept it or move on with my life and be a depressed human being. If you want that then you can keep doing what you are doing.

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