My Arrival

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"...sir..." I hear a distant mysterious voice whisper.

"Cookie?" I respond groggily.


I jump about 3 ft out of my chair and analyse my situation. The first thing I see is a stewardess standing over me looking seriously pissed.

"Did you take my cookies?" I ask, still not 100% conscious.

The stewardess lets out a slight giggle then realises she stopped her strict manerisms and instantly returns to her domminant pose.

"Sir, the plane landed 15 minutes ago", she attemps to inform me without giggling.

"Wait what?", I blurt out instantly turning to the window. "Shit!"

I bounce along to the seat next to me as i rocket onto my feet, grabbing my 2 black suitcases and sprinting off the plane.

"Oh shit, oh fuck", I think to myself, scared i may have missed my only ride to my new home.

As i reach the gate im relieved to see Aldstone, my new butler, waiting there. I see him sigh with relief with the sight of me. I show him my signature smirk of approval.

"Passport please"

I hand the exausted, overworked worker my passport whilst feeling slightly bad for the poor guy.

"You can go through", he says, returning my passport.

"Thank you", I respond, walking awkwardly through the turntable.

"Hey, Aldstone right?"

"Yeah, that's me", he responds fixing his tie properly. "Master Dylan I presume?"

"Yep, that's me"

"Well lets get going, we're already leaving 20 minutes later than we should be", he says, poshily failing to copy my smirk.

I humbly return the smirk. As we begin to head out of the airport i realise we've been speaking English this whole time and have a few 'non-english speakers' questioning the smirking. I chuckle quietly as we exit the airport.

As we make it to my black Bentley, Aldstone politely but expectantly open the door for me.

"Thank you", I say, giving him a nod of admiration.

Aldstone smiles and enters the driving seat of the car.

I smile when i realise that people still drive on the left side of the road here. "Atleast something will stay the same," I think to myself.

"You should be glad you arrived when you did," Aldstone states.

"Why's that?" I question.

"The entrance exam for U.A. High School is tomorrow." Aldstone responds.

"U.A.?" I ask confused, trying to figure out what it stands for.

"You don't know what U.A. is?" Aldstone laughs, "It's only the most prestigious hero school in all of Japan!"

"Well now im interested." I laugh, still trying to figure out what it stands for. Whatever, i doubt it'll even make sense in English anyways.

=30 minutes break brought to you by Japanese shreddies=

I sigh, finally getting bored of my random mobile games I downloaded before the flight.

"Aldstone, how long before we arrive?", I question, barely managing to gather the effort.

"Right now, sir."

I instantly dive to the window and admire the absolute size of the house.

"The house is huge, how much money was left in that will?" I question.

"That's because its a mansion and I think its best I don't tell you that, atleast for now." Aldstone replies yet again, trying to copy my smirk.

I chuckle, admiring his sense of humour. It may be slightly posh but who cares, im not one to judge.

"Now it's best you prepare yourself for tomorrow sir, it's not going to be easy. U.A. is infamous for only letting the very best into their school." Aldstone explains, "Yet i doubt you'll have much of an issue with that Quirk or yours."

"I am one of the lucky one's aren't I," I say letting another of my smirks loose yet again, "But, a training session will only help so I might as well."

"Well in that case, you can save my poor back the pain and carry you bags up yourself." Aldstone announces, this time imitating my smirk perfectly.

I sigh and watch as the car boot opens by itself. I look at Aldstone hand and notice he isn't carrying a key.

"How'd you open the boot of the car of without a key?" I question.

"That's my Quirk, sir. I can control cars."

"That must help with being a butler, eh?" I say jokingly, grasping both of my bulky suitcases.

"Definitely," Aldstone replies, opening the exorbitant, wooden door.

The door opens revealing an extremely populous room which was unusually unfilled. I was genuinely shocked to not see giant portrates of whoever glaring down at me. I also notice one more thing... no lift. Meaning I have to carry these bags up this monstrous staircase. I sigh and begin my long jorney to the top of the mansion.

=10 minute break brought to you by [insert not branded energy drink here]=

As I crawl close to my door, I begin to question what I was thinking when I decided to choose the highest room in the mansion. As I finally aproach my door, I drop one of my suitcases and push open the door hard enough to feel the air being pushed aside. When the door hit the wall, I was left standing there in shock as I saw a room full of riches I could never have dreamt of and by that I mean; My own exercise equipment, an extremely expensive looking pc, my old guitar and drumkit and a mo'fucking king sized bed. "This is one hell of an upgrade," I though to myself giddily, "I wonder how comfy the bed is."

I close my door and drop my suitcases close behind it and then turn to face my landing zone.

"Time to test your springs," I laughed, diving onto the bed, "Dayum, you are comfy."


"Haven't heard that today," I thought to myself, pulling out my phone.

'1 new message'

"Who from?" ... "Aldstone! Didn't know he knew how to use one of these," I laugh to myself.

Aldstone message reads:

'Sir, you may want to skip that training session for today.'

Confused, i respond, "Why's that?"

'Look at the time, Sir.'

Still confused, I glace at the time.

" ONE AM!" I shout, only now noticing the change in timezones. "SHIT!"

I quickly open both my suitcases in an urgent search of my pjs. I manage to pull out my pepsi pajama top and some black pajama pants.

"Fuck it," I think to myself, already undressing from my navy blue nike t-shirt, "They don't match but who cares."

I finish getting changed and literally dive under my covers, burying my head into the pillow, trying desperately to get to sleep. As my eyes begin to feel heavier, a familiar sond fills the room ... and the mansion.


"I hate that sound so much." I somehow gather the energy to fling my entire body across my bed, painstakingly grab my phone and blind myself with my lock screen. I turn my head away from my screen with a force so strong I was scared I might break my neck. After my eyes adjust enough to not be in complete agony whilst using my phone, I read:

'Goodnight Sir.'

At this point, im kinda pissed. It's hard enough for me to fall asleep as it is without hearing a 7 year old scream YEET so loud it could deafen anyone too close. I gather myself and just recite his message, without the 'sir part' of course, and yet again, attempt to go to sleep. This time, actually managing to go to sleep before getting yeeted awake.


New Light (BNHA x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon