The Entrance Exam

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"Are we nearly there yet?" I asked impatently, finishing the last of my awakening tea.

"We are about 10 minutes away from our destination, Sir," Aldstone replies, clearly growing tired of me repeating the same question at least 10 times in the last few minutes.

"Ugh," I groan, continuing to try and figure out what hurdles may lie ahead of me.

"You know Sir," Aldstone chuckles, "You are a grumpy one when you first wake up."

"I know," I laughed, "I've been told that ... alot."

We share a short laugh then return to the silence that haunted the car before our small exchange. I return to my corner of the car, placing my head against the window watching many buildings and people pass by in the blink of an eye. I start trying to decifer what may be on the exam. There's sure to be 2 parts: a writing assessment and a physical assessment, most likely utilizing our quirks. That'll be fun.

"There's only a few ways they could test everyone's quirks evenly," I think to myself, "They'll have to take into account that not everyone's quirk can be utilized in a way to cause massive damage therefore they most likely will not have anyone fighting each other 'tornament style'. That would also minimize any chances of anyone getting 'too injured' juring the testing."

"Don't worry Sir," Aldstone says, noticing me stroking my chin combined with the sound of me mumbling to myself, "They will not have you fighting against any other living thing, person or animal."

"I know," I respond, "I figured that part out, thanks anyways."

"No problem Sir," Aldstone said gleefully, "It is my job after all."

Smirking, i look down at my hands. "It's been a while since i've used you, hasn't it" I thought to myself, "It's about time I got to glow again." I think about warming up my quirk a small amount before the test but then completely dismiss the idea due to the massive amount of attention it may draw. Not to mention it being illegal.

Turning back to the window, I notice a large building surrounded by people.

"We have arrived," Aldstone announces, exiting the car and opening the door for me, "Best of luck to you Sir."

"Thank you," I reply, exiting the car, "See you later Aldstone."

I turn and begin to walk towards the building, I look around to try and analyse my potential competition. "There's a bunch of obvious quirks I can see, such as; white and red hair, a frog-girl and ... is that ... Big Ears, from Noddy," I laugh to myself, "I'll have to get his autograph." I then notice that i've stood still for about 2 minutes and have started attracting attention from passers by. "I should probably walk towards the building," I think to myself

Whilst walking, I find myself about 5 metres away from a mumbling, green haired guy. I decide to go and introduce myself. As i turn towards him, he stands his left foot ontop of his right and begins his decent towards the floor. "This isn't going to be pretty", I think to myself, as the guy's face gets closer and closer to the concrete we're walking on, "Im too far away to catch him". At the very last second a small, brown haired girl taps him causing him to float. "He's a lucky mother fucker," I think to myself, "Almost didn't make it too the building."

Due to them beginning a very one-sided conversation, I decided too leave them be but as I was walking away I managed to hear her appologise, for some reason, and introduce herself as 'Uraraka'. "Are all names gonna be so different here?" I think to myself, smirking at my own question, "Welp. Guess im not in Kansas anymore."

=2 hour writing test brought to you by a stupid education system (Not Salty)=


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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