It's Ok - Garfield Logan

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I rewatched Titans on Netflix and I had to write an imagine for it. This is Gar from Titans, love him 💕

Warning ⚠️: Spoilers for the Tv show! Watch the show first if you want to read. Violent scenes ahead so beware.

About: when you escape the tests and try to find the others so you can get out of this asylum. You find Gar first and try to help him but you get attacked and one thing leads to another.

               Y/n's P.O.V
"Help! Let me out of here!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I haven't heard anything from the speakers in a while so I guess the crazy psychos here are focusing on the others. I mean I don't really have any special skills or powers like Dick or Kory. I can use this to my advantage, these restraints they have are really flimsy, probably because they used the proper stuff on the others. I can only imagine what the others are going through. Sure I've been beat and electrocuted a few times but I heard that they're doing weird tests on the team. When they opened the door I heard Gar scream. I fought back even more when I heard him. He doesn't deserve this, he doesn't deserve to be in pain. He must be close so I'll go find him first. After a few minutes of trying I break out of the ties on my left arm. Soon I'm free and go to the door. I've learned how to get myself out of sticky situations before so I know how to pick a lock. "Yes!" The door opens and thankfully no one's outside.

I walk down the corridor to the next door. It has a small window so I jump to see through it and catch a glimpse of what looks like Gar. I try the door but it's locked. I use what I had for my door but I get about half way before it breaks. "Shit!" I kick the door in anger when I hear a shift in the door. I look and see it's moved slightly. I kick the door again and it moves. I do this a few more times then it only takes one more big push to get the door open. I stumble through the door and shout to Gar. "Y-y/n?" I look up and see Gar on the floor of a cage, making me angry. How dare these psychos treat him like an animal in a cage, experimenting and hurting him. "Gar..." I look around to double check no one else is here when I spot his clothes. I grab them and pass them to him through the bars, trying my best not to look at him, although it's not the first time we've been in this situation. (If you watched the Tv show you know that scene 😂) I frown as my eyes scan along his chest, this time it's not the same, I see bruises all over him and cuts as well. "I have to get you out of here." I go to the other side of the cage and get the keys for the lock. "It's you..." Gar says, still dazed but he's coming to quickly. "Yeah it's me Gar. I'm here." He looks up at me for the first time, covering himself with his clothes. "Awesome." He chuckles. I smile seeing him happy or better than he was at least.

I unlock the door and go to help him but someone pulls me back. I look up and see a man in a lab coat pulling me. He has a sick grin on his face as he slams the cage door. "Gar!" "Y/n!" He runs to get the door but it doesn't open. I try to run to him but the man pushes me against the wall causing me to knock my head. I cry out in pain and hold my head, faintly hearing Gar shout my name again but everything's disorientated. The man comes back up to me and pulls me up by my hair. "Your coming with me girl. Right now!" He drags me around and when I try to get free he electrocutes me with a rod. I scream at the intense pain of it all and feel lightheaded. I try to get to Gar again but the man hits me and electrocutes me a few more times. I'm close to passing out when I hear the faint noise of the cage door opening and growling. I'm pushed again by the man and hit the wall. When I look up I see Gar in tiger form. He bites the man and drags him away. He continues to toss the man across the room before pulling him into the cage. I stare, wide-eyed at how Gar is attacking this man, I'd never think sweet and funny Gar would be this violent. This must be the animal side to him because he's more angry than I've ever seen him. The mans screams and Gars snarling sobers me up from hitting my head. I see the man pressed up against the bars and Gar slashing him and even biting him. Soon everything is silent, only the sound of Gar's slight snarling turning to whimpering. I see him change back to his human form and shake as he slides down the other side of the cage. I gather all my strength to get to him. I crawl through the cage to him whipping the blood dripping from his mouth. I take a tissue out of my pocket and whipped it for him because he's still shaking. "Gar...Please look at me so I know your ok." I cup his face in my hands but it takes him some time to look at me. When he does he was tears in his eyes that are threatening to fall.

Random ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora