Kim Seokjin when...

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First when imagine and it goes to Mr Worldwide Handsome!! Enjoy!

First when imagine and it goes to Mr Worldwide Handsome!! Enjoy!

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Jin when...
It's your daughter's first day of school.

"Honey! Look at Appa!" Jin cheers your little girl. She giggles and poses for him.

"Eomma! Come and pose with me!!" Your little girl drags you to kneel down next to her as Jin takes pictures. "Smile my girls." Jin waves making us giggle. He takes a few more pictures before looking over them. "My beautiful girls." "Come on Jin she's leaving." He snaps out of his daydream and follows after us.

"Have a lovely day at school sweetie. Eomma and I will come get you later. Don't be worried, you'll be amazing like your Eomma and Appa." He hugs her and makes her smile. "I know Appa! I'm very excited!" She giggles, her laugh sounding just like her fathers. "We love you sweetie, have an amazing first day." I bend and hug her with a kiss on the cheek she runs off to her friends.

"She's grown so fast. Where did it all go. It's seems like it's not been long since she took her first steps." Jin mumbles beside me. I turn and see tears in his eyes. "Oh my darling Jinnie." I chuckle cupping his face and wiping away his tears. "We knew she'd grow up eventually and we get to watch her. Time seems so fast for us but all this time is precious. I can tell she's going to take after you in all the best ways." He smiles at that and takes my hand in his. "She's worldwide beautiful." "Yes she is." I giggle. "Now come on. Let's go home."

Anyone going to see Bring the Soul? I'm excited!!!

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