dogs are always a good ice breaker

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Most days, Byulyi didn't care about her job. It was easy, she was kind of friends with almost everyone in the small company. To be honest, it was nothing particularly hard to do and perhaps she was just used to the simple routine, but sometimes her stupid and unorganized boss liked to test her patience and give her a ridiculous amount of work to do, with a deadline for the very next day. Which meant she had to stop her own stuff to deal with other peoples' crap and she hated that.

Besides that, Yongsun was messaging her nonstop and it made her nervous. They were making small talk since the night before after it took her approximately twenty-five minutes to write Yongsun a short message explaining her weird call. Luckily, the other girl didn't make a big deal out of it and they started talking almost casually. It was mostly some simple information exchange, like where they're from and some stuff about their life. So far, she discovered Yongsun shared an apartment with her older sister, that was studying abroad for a couple of months, not far from where she lived and that she was obsessed with tteokbokki.

"Hey, Byul-Ah, Mr. Choi wants to know when you're going to be done with the stuff he asked you to do," Junghwan asked, putting his head inside her small office. He had a half-smile on his lips while teasing her.

They started at the company at the same time, during college, and because they were the same age and suffered together during the internship, they became close. Junghwan was the only one of her work colleagues to know she dates women, to start with. He was kind of silly and liked to tease her a lot, especially about the way the older employees treated them. The elders always had the 'these kids don't know what they're doing' look on their faces and somehow still managed to find ways to ask for help or dump their work on them.

"At this rate?" she laughed "Never. Look at this!" she gestured to her messy desk, full of paperwork and stuff she had yet to find out what to do with. "Tell him to hire a fucking secretary to help with the deadlines."

"Ok, I will," he said, but the smile on her face made clear that he had no intention of sharing that conversation with their boss. "Wanna take a break and have some coffee?"

She frowned, remembering what a cup of coffee had made of her life the day before, even if it turned out kind of good. She'd never admit that, though.

"What about tea?" she proposed.

"Yeah, good enough." Junghwan shrugged and she got up, taking her blazer on the back of her chair and her phone so they could leave the office.

The day wasn't cold, but she liked being prepared just in case. They decided to take the stairs because the elevator was always full during the morning and it was just three flights. The moment they stepped out of the building, Junghwan grabbed her arm and when she looked at him confused, he leaned his head indicating he knew a new place. He had this almost weird habit of touching her all the time, but this didn't bother her anymore. Also, he was kind of protective all the time and acted like an older brother, she thought it was funny in a cute and caring way.

"So, what's up with you? You seem distracted today."

"Not much." she lied, shrugging and then looking down at her brown shoes. "I'm just stressed with Choi's things. That man is a mess."

He laughed, nodding.

"I know, right? He's always losing deadlines and dumping his work on us, saying it's for the sake of the clients."

"I honestly don't know who I hate more, him or the clients" she huffed.

Junghwan laughed, agreeing then started to walk faster, a few steps ahead of her so he could hold the door for them after a guy left the tea place.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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