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"Ohk you ninja looking freaks,just cut this shit and tell me what you want" Akira shouted with anger laced in her voice. The guy laughed and replied. "You already know beautiful, how about we go on a date and forget all this nonsense,a beautiful body like yours needs to be filled with scars and kiss-" "you ain't touching her!" Ashton screamed punching him and pulling Akira with him passing the group. "Run!" He shouted. They dashed down the hall and down the stairs. Gone shots were heard and the snarling blood thirsty humans came up the stairs for them. "Attracted to noise I see" kiba said amused as the bullet pierced through its body and it fell. "Booya" he blew invisible smoke of the gun. But the creature regained it's balance and charged at him. Akira sliced that in two and posed. "Get through me first and you  can take him" the zombies stopped and fell. "Looks like we found them" said an taunting voice. The guy was behind of them and suddenly a group of zombies surround them. "Why do these things obey you!" Sauna shouted clutching her sword. The man laughed. "Just give up and surrender,I can just snap and you'll turn food for these pests." He pointed to the half dead humans. Akira smirked"is that so" She through a little ball in the air and shouted "smoke bomb!" The room immediately was clouded with smoke and the gang made their way towards the roof.

Akira fist bumped the sky and grinned. "Did you see me! I was all is that so and then smoke bomb ha that creep think he could catch us like that" Ashton shakes his head and put his hand on her shoulder. "Good job princess" he grinned. "Princess huh, poor Ashton nearly killed the man because he loved Akira" kiba teased only to get kicked in the face. Ashton glared at him and looked away. "Guys we have a problem" misaki said pointing below her. We gasped as the whole Court yard was filled with zombies eating screaming freshman. "Oh God" Yuga gasped his blue hair covered in sweat. He then shouted "how the hell will we get out of here" Ashton also looked worried. "We have to come up with a strategy" sauna spoke up. Everyone turned to her. "I don't think we have time for that,we have a 'a need to control my ugly face' man on our heels along with his zombie brothers and a whole school full of his family"Ashton laughed at what Akira said about the man. "We need to do something stupid" she was then rewarded with a punch. "Are you crazy! it's your fault were in this mess so I think you should shut up and let the guilt take over" shouted Asuma. Sauna gave her a devil glare which caused her to shiver. But to there surprise Akira smiled. "I know it's my fault,but at least I'm trying to get out of her and fix it than give up" she chuckled bitterly. "That guy wants me and Ashton as his prisoners,you guys dead,my fault, it's a lot to take in but you still see me smiling. Your my only family left" she said her voice cracking as tears fell but she hid so only Ashton saw it. "poor Akira"  he thought. The door burst open to see Erin with a knife around his neck and a grinning man. "Erin!" Akira gasped then she glared threateningly at him. " Surrender now or the boy dies"he pressed the knife closer to his neck. "A- Akira don't give him the gadgets" Erin said shakily gasping as the man pressed the knife deeper. "Give me the gadgets!"  "Akira don't do it" Akira was angry but want happened after blinded her with rage. After waiting several minutes for Akira to give that man the gadgets he got annoyed with Erin's whined about not giving him the gadgets and cut his neck clean off. Akira didn't scream,she didn't cry,she didn't look up. Ashton also was angry but not as Akira. Akira dashed at the man in full speed and punched him I'm the stomach,her hand running straight through it. Her eyes look up at him with rage and she growled showing her fangs. "This gadget provides me with power to protect those I care about, as I noticed earlier,giving you such power will be the worst mistake I ever made!"she pulled her hand out as he spit out blood and fell to the ground,dead. Akira went over to Erin who she lightly kissed on the cheek and said"I'll avenge you" she stood up and look towards her friends who shivered and stepped back. She sighed and rubbed her head nervously. "Did I scare ya?" "How did you know that the gadget provides you with such power"asked kiba amused out of his mind. Everyone was surrounding her with questions while Coga Ranma and Asuma escaped from the roof down the stairs.

With Coga,Ranma and Asuma

"That bitch! Showing off her powers in front Ashton"shouted Asuma angrily. They were secretly working with the evil side knowing about the gadgets Ashton and Asuma possessed. They were just pretending to be there friend the whole time just so they could gather information. "So she's activated her powers" Izaku said startling them. "Yeah,it looks like it's activated when she's in rage" said Coga smartly. "What is her appearance" he asked again. "She had red eyes,sharp fangs and brutal strength,oh I forget to mention she had slits in her eyes instead of a human normal sized pupils sir" Coga informed. Asuma scoffed and Ranma rolled his eyes. "Interesting" Izaku grinned evilly. "The plan will be perfect"

Back to the gang~

"Know that I think about it, I think  I know why the guy wants our gadgets" Akira said thoughtfully. "Which is" kiba said walking along side her. They were trying to find an exit out of the place for they did not feel safe staying on the roof. "Because the gadget grants us with the strength to defeat thousands of men and to destroy the world" kiba was dumfounded. "How did you know that" "Akira shrugged "my father was one of those guys" kiba gasped. "Your filled with surprises" kiba shook his head. He smirked and looked back at a glaring Ashton. He put his hand around Akira's shoulder. "Let me guess you searched into your father's stuff and found out-" but Akira stopped him and gripped her sword. sauna and misaki nodded at her. "Trouble ahead"

To much tension. I guess those gadgets have gifts huh? This chapter is longer than the first huh?

Well peace out✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️🤘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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