Chapter 1

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"MG, wait!" yelled the small hybrid as she ran after her boyfriend, but to no avail, the vampire did not stop. She huffed once she stopped, realising that there was no point in continuing . Artemis Cuetlachtli and her boyfriend Milton Greasley constantly argued. Perhaps it was that she was part werewolf and he was a vampire. Their species were meant to be complete enemies. Perhaps it was that they were complete opposites. Perhaps it was Artemis is forced love for him. Perhaps the small Mexican-Korean girl would never know the answer.

Artemis started her trek back to the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. She was going to fetch her friend Hope. She wanted to wolf out to see if that could relieve some of her stress. Hope might be able to come along and wolf out with her, so she doesn't have to be completely alone. Artemis loved to spend time with the tribrid Hope Mikaelson. Maybe a little too much time, something MG loved to point out. However, the hybrid was in a very, very deep denial about her crush on the Mikaelson girl. She also refused to acknowledge the strong pull she felt towards the youngest Mikaelson. She liked her as a friend right? She was straight, right? She was in love with MG, right?

" Hi Artemis. I have a question for you." The words from the Mikaelson were enough to startle the Cuetlachtli girl out of her own head. Well, they were enough to startle her, period. She jumped at the unexpected voice.

"Oh sorry. What is it?" questioned Artemis. She turned to look at Hope.

"Dr. Saltzman and I are going to get our new recruit, I was wondering if you wanted to come with?" Artemis was almost too busy staring at the other girls astonishing features to respond. It took her a couple seconds longer than usual to process the offer and too respond. Luckily not too long after, she was able to form actual words.

"Yeah sure. The only hybrid and the only tribid teaming up? Perfect duo. What species are they?" She asked. She was so happy to be invited. She was so happy to be Hope's friend. That was something many people couldn't say.

"We're saving a werewolf from his catholic foster family. We gotta be fast. We won't have long till he turns."

"Well, what's the hold up? We've got a wolf to save" Artemis grabbed Hope's hand, and the two girls started their way to the schools van.


Hope, Dr. Saltzman and Artemis all got off the van. As they stepped towards the church, Hope slowed down, causing the young witch and werewolf hybrid to slow down as well. She was confused about her best friends actions. That was until she heard Hope speak.

"Landon?" She was looking at a boy, whose name apparently was Landon. She seemed surprised. He pulled out an earbud before responding.

"Hope?" Apparently he was surprised as well.

"You two know each other?" Questioned Alaric Saltzman as he walked towards the steps of the church, crossbow and duffel bag in hand. Landon, Hope, and Alaric shared a few words as a scream was heard. Artemis is head snapped towards the door. Towards the direction of the scream. The older man attempted to open the doors, but he did not succeed in the act.

"Doors are locked." He said, as if his act of jiggling the handle didn't prove them that. Hope and Artemis looked at each other. Both of them knew exactly what to do, without having to say a single word. They raised their arms and said a quick spell,

"Dissera Portus!" They chanted. The door swung open as they put down their arms.

"Your gonna want to stay out here Landon, trust me." Spoke Hope, as the hybrid, tribrid, and once original vampire walked into the church. Of course, the seemingly human boy did not listen. The humans never do. The four walked into the church. As they did, they saw a teenager on the ground, his clothes ripping, every bone in his body breaking. He was screaming. At the same time, there was a priest chanting in Latin, holding a crucifix towards the unfamiliar werewolf.

"Shut down the exorcist, would you? Asked Alaric.

Both girls lifted one hand each and formed fist, as a conductor would to show the end of a piece of music. The witches both cast the same spell, again without a sharing a word,

"Silencio". The priest's mouth shut. It appeared as a flap of skin was sewn over his lips, removing his ability to speak. They continued their walk towards the werewolf who was still turning.

"Ad Somnum" spoke Artemis, causing the two foster parents and the priest to fall into a strong, yet temporary sleep.

"Help me." was all the werewolf boy could say. His bones continued breaking. He seemed to be close to tears. "What's happening?" was the next thing he asked. Artemis felt bad for him, she remembered her first transition, the only transition that she could not control. She remembered the fear she felt. The pain that was endured. The tears the girl had shed.

She heard someone behind her, who she assumed was the human boy Landon. The boy Hope seemed to know, say "Oh my God." She made the decision to block out his voice. She didn't even turn to look at him. The werewolf boy was still pleading for help. That was her main concern. It must have been his first transition, considering how long it was taking. Hope and Alaric were too busy putting the screws in the ground, preparing to put the chains around the soon to be wolf. Artemis tried to talk to the werewolf. she was saying stuff along the lines of,

"It's all going to be alright", " The pains going to be over soon." and "Stay calm.". She knew it wasn't going to help much with the pain , but maybe some reassurance would put his mind at ease. Alaric Saltzman was also speaking words of encouragement to the werewolf at he finished putting the chains on him. The second he finished, the group backed away from the werewolf. The second they stopped backing away was the second when he finally completed his transition. The werewolf was now in full wolf form. He was trying to jump towards the group, baring his teeth. Thankfully, the chains stopped him from being able to do so. The wolf was snarling. Landon was in shock. The two girls just looked at each other and then at the wolf. It was time to wait.

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