Chapter 3

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Artemis was late for training, like really late. As she ran towards practice, she put on her gloves.

"Hey Hope, Dr. Saltzman, sorry I'm late. I was talking to Athena." Artemis could see that Dr. Saltzman had Hope held with her arms behind her back.

"It's okay, you're on Hope's team for today."

"Good to know, but you should be careful," before the older man could even question her statement, Artemis and Hope both knew the exact thing to say, " Dimiterre." Alaric spun in the air, landing on his back, Hope did a backflip and pinned him down, holding a hand on his chest. Artemis simply walked over and stood next to them.

"Cheaters" was all he said, chuckling and struggling to breathe.

"You should really let a vampire start doing my training" said Hope.

"Yeah, Dr. Saltzman, you're getting a little old for us to break your human bones." Artemis spoke, continuing what Hope was saying.

"How dare you?" he said. He held up his hand, waiting for Hope to put hers in his, and to help him up. She did. "You and Landon, have a thing or something?" Hope tensed up at the mention of Landon. Artemis only decided to keep an open ear, she was quite interested in what Hope was going to say in reply.

    "I don't have things." Hope sharply states. Alaric only gives her an exasperated look, Hope never liked to open up.

    "Yes, I'm well aware of your quest to avoid all emotional intimacy. There was obviously something.." Hope stayed quiet. They all continued their practice.

    "Mr. Saltzman, leave her alone, she doesn't want to talk" Artemis said, she was trying to release stress, not create more.

    "I liked him." Hope huffed. "He was normal." Alaric stopped one of her punches, holding her fist in his hand.

    "Well, let's keep it that way. We survive here because we follow the rules. We can't get sloppy about it." Hope shot a defensive look towards him.

    "You know what? You guys seem to have some stuff you need to talk out. I'm gonna call it quits. Have fun!" Spoke Artemis as she stepped off the training platform. The headmaster and the youngest Mikaelson seemed too deep in conversation to notice that she stepped out.

    As she walked deeper into the woods, she ran into the brunette Saltzman twin, who seemed to be in a rush.

    "Hey Josie-bear, everything okay?"

    "Yeah Art, just need to find my dad." She spoke, avoiding eye contact with Artemis.

    "Okay, I'll probably be in my room if you need to talk. See you at the party?"  She softened the look in her eyes. She could feel that something was off.

    "I don't know, but I really have to go." And with that, Josie Saltzman ran off.


    While getting ready for the party, Artemis decided to wear something that fit into the school uniform. She thought, maybe if she stayed in uniform, she could pretend she was just walking around the woods, to avoid detention of course. She wore a white button up under her yellow sweater, with the salvatore crest of course, a navy blue skirt, tights, and her lucky pair of heeled combat boots. She could feel MG slipping away from her so she just had to look cute.

    Once she was done getting ready, she started on her way to the old mill. She was looking forward to being able to release her stress, without putting anyone in harm's way. She was a bit bummed that Hope wasn't going, however. Unbeknownst to her, her efforts to get closer to MG again would soon prove futile over the course of the night.


    As Artemis walked through the woods, towards MG, she could hear him explaining the Blade trilogy. The two boys with him seemed confused, so he walked away from them, where he ran in to the Cuetlachtli girl.

    "Hey Greasley, you seemed very excited explaining that trilogy, you wanna talk about it?" She asked, crossing her arms.

    "Not really" He mumbled, walking away. Artemis just huffed in response, loud enough to make sure he would hear. She was annoyed, she wasn't the party type of girl, she was doing this for him, but no matter what she did, it wasn't enough. She could understand, they were just distractions for each other, they loved each other, sure, but they weren't in love. At least, not like she wished she could be.

    The annoyed hybrid started walking around, not sure of what to do, Josie seemed well occupied with the annoying new werewolf, Lizzie was off with her father doing a makeshift therapy session, and Hope was most likely somewhere flirting with the repulsive boy who had a chia pet as hair.

     After what seemed like forever, she headed back to her room, where she just layed on her bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating about if she should come clean about her feelings for Hope, at least to someone. Before she could go to deep into the Hope spiral, as she calls it, someone opened her door, she sat up to see Josie, peeking her head in.

"Hey Artemis, you want to go down to the kitchen and get something to eat?" asked the younger girl.

"Thank you Josie, but I really don't feel like doing anything right now." she huffed, reaching for her blanket ready to roll herself up and cry herself to sleep.

"Come on, we can bake brownies, or steal some ice cream!" the older girl stopped her actions and stood up.


As the girls walked into the kitchen they saw something they didn't expect. MG and Penelope getting, kinky? His fangs were about to come in contact with her neck.

"Mg?!" both Josie and Artemis said with a dissapointed tone in their voices. Both girls turned around and ran out. It took a moment for MG to register what had happened before he vampire sped over to Artemis, grabbing onto her arm, keeping her from being able to run away. She snapped her head around, showing him her yellow eyes.

"You do not want to try me right now MG, a werewolf bite is very painful to your kind."

"Artemis it, it wasn't what it looked like. I- I-"

"Were you going to say that you don't have a girlfriend anymore? Because, you don't. And fyi, have fun with the devil spawn, I'd love to see how long that last. Ooh! Maybe you can finally tell Lizzie Saltzman that you were just using me because you're actually in love with her? See if I fucking care! You- You 개새!" (son of a bitch) she let out. She was furious, was MG partially a distraction for her? Kind of. But she did love him, she truly did, and she would never do what he did to her to him.

    "Artemis I'm sorry"

    " Sorry doesn't fucking cut it now MG"  He stepped towards her. She lifted her hand and said,

"Motus" he flew back and she booked it.

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