Chapter Thirteen; A True Family

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                                                                              ~Harry Potter~
                                                             ~Phoenix Orion Rigel Malfoy~

When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I did was mush up some worms and other bugs and feed my familiars. Last night while I was laying in bed I had been thinking about names for them-I couldn't keep referring to them by their colors. I liked the idea of naming them after stars and planets and such. I had decided that the only female, the lovely dark green phoenix, would be named Astrid. The silvery white phoenix would be called Saros while the teal colored one would be called Auberon, and the black hell-fire phoenix would be named after the Roman god of the underworld, Pluto.
A knock sounded at my door, and I called out, "Who is it?"
"It's Narcissa, love. May I come in?"
A smile spread across my face, "Of course!"
She stepped inside, smiling brightly at me, and said, "How are you feeling today, dear?"
I smiled shyly at her and answered, "I'm feeling much better, ma'am, thank you. Do we have anything planned for today?"
She came over, wrapping her arms around me in a hug, before pulling away and gently framing my face in her hands. She looked me over before gently brushing my bangs off my forehead, running her fingers over my scar. "It's faded quite a bit, dear. I bet now that the horcrux is gone from it if I got you some scar fading cream it would fade right away. Would you like that?"
I nodded, smiling up at her before wrapping my arms around her and hugging her tightly. After a few moments she pulled back and said, "Now, we didn't feed you dinner last night. Between everything that happened, you had fallen asleep by the time we were done explaining everything to Severus. However, Severus brewed you some nutrition potions, sort of like vitamins in the muggle world, but they work much quicker. It'll help your body regulate quicker and we're hoping we can still salvage your height-both your parents were rather tall, and I'd hate for what those monsters did to you to affect you for the rest of your life."
I shrugged and said, "It doesn't bother me. Height doesn't mean much-I know how much they affected me physically, but I'm proud of the fact that they didn't break me mentally or emotionally. I didn't let their hate break me."
A hand gently cupped my chin, forcing me to meet her gaze as she spoke softly but sternly, "You are right, they didn't break you, but I will not stand by and watch you suffer. Right now, I doubt you're used to eating much, and that won't help you grow. The nutrition potions will help with your appetite and the amount you're able to eat without your stomach becoming upset. Trying to fix your height doesn't affect the fact that you stayed strong-it simply means that you need a little help fixing the damage they did do."
I nodded, and she smiled and said, "Now, let's go down to breakfast. We have good news." She pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead and said, "I'll leave you to get dressed."
I nodded, waiting until she left the room, closing the door after her, before I went to the closet where the bags of clothing rested. I dug through, finding a pair of nice pants and a comfy looking button up shirt and changing out of my pajamas. I checked on my familiars before heading out the door and down the stairs. I found Draco waiting at the bottom of the stairs, and I got a quick hug before he led me to the dining room.
I was startled at first to see Snape sitting at the dining room table with Lucius and Narcissa, but I covered it quickly as Narcissa patted a spot next to her and said, "Come, sit and eat, Phoenix."
I sat obediently next to her, and watched as my favorite food, eggs and ham, appeared on the plate. Snape held out a small vial and said brusquely, "Your nutritional potion, Mr. Potter."
I smiled slightly at him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Snape."
He nodded and said, "I've made the potion mint flavored, they usually taste quite vile."

I smiled slightly at him and admitted, "I don't doubt it, sir. Most medicine I've found tastes quite awful. Sir, I'd rather not dance around the question, so may I ask what your decision is regarding whether or not you'll become my godfather?"

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