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I'm a Trinidadian and the main language I and the citizens of the country I live in is suppose to speak is Standard English but most of us speak our Caribbean language which is Broken English. The vocabulary in my country may have the same pronunciation or something similar but some of the words might have a different spelling from what your are used to seeing. In my country the spelling is correct. This story might be a little different from what you are use to but that's the aim and I would mix and switch it up a little to make it more enjoyable. I am writing what would be enjoyable to me so if you do not like what I am writing don't make a scene about it. Just stop reading the book and find something else that u would like to read.

Regardless as all author do. I hope you enjoy the book, vote on it, leave comments once in a while maybe, share the book with your friends and family and hopefully try to help make this book reach somewhere on Wattpad.

Also I would really appreciated it if u give me a follow because I'm like a loner on Wattpad but if you don't want to you have to but I would greatly appreciate it if you do.

Also please remember that from the start, I mentioned that I am not American or any other country that is similar to America, so don't take any comment or state in a personal way. We usually say things without out thinking it through properly.

Also the story was not written to offend or disrespect any citizen of another country or anything. The American originated characters were abused and had to hide so their are things that they don't know but would discover when they leave to go to another country. There were certain things they had to say, a certain way to act and behave themselves in front of people and cameras. So please ,everyone, don't take any offense to any written in this book. if you do please just leave and don't spam me up about it.

Thanks and hope you enjoy the story.


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