Shocking News!

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"Wht happen Sakira??"
"Mom see!" I exclaimed
"Oh my God!! How could this possible!"
Mom's boss Mr.Thomas Jones died in plane crash. He was so kind hearted person. I felt really bad for him. He always used to love us. Always treat mom as his daughter. This was really a shocking News for us. Mom was his personal Assistant from last 10 years. I can see tears coming from mom's eyes as well as mine.
"I've to go Jones Mansion"
"Okay do u want me to drive for uh?"
I asked as I known mom was so sad nd terrified by his death nd in this condition driving may be not safe for her.
"Hmm let's go" She said with teary eyes.
I went to my room nd wore my black  dress nd grabbed key of car which was placed on kitchen table nd mom took her bag nd went for Jones Mansion.

After few minutes of driving we reached in front of a very big house. Guards didn't check mom's I'd as this was not the first time she came here but for me it's first time. I was so stunned it was such a big house nd I never seen this kinda house before. My eyes were wide nd I stared whole garden area. It was so big nd well decorated by flowers.

When I stopped car in parking area where so many cars were parked, expensive cars. I smelt a very good smell of flowers but I didn't had time for admire this bcoz we had to go nd see Mr. Jones.

"Let's go Sakira" My mom said as I was busy in admiring garden area.
"Yeah mom"

We went to the main gate nd then entred in very big hall. Everyone dressed in black nd Mr. Jones big picture was placed on the table. Everyone had tears in their eyes. I also felt that my eyes became moist. It was such a emotional thing. Mom went to staff section were all the office staffs were seating nd I followed her. My eyes went on Lily aunty who was my mom's friend as they worked in same company.  I gave a smile to her nd she gave a forced smile as she was so sad.
"Lily where is Thomas sires body?"
"They said plane crashed nd nobody knows where the body is"

They were talking nd I just simply listening to them. My eyes also went on so.kamy things like expensive couches, chairs, nd so many expensive peases. Indeed Thomas Jones was so rich. Suddenly my eyes caught a women dressed in black nd crying so badly. She was seating on couch nd many women were consoling her. She must be Mrs. Jones. She was so beautiful. Her fair skin nd thinny personality was so adorable. I noticed her blue eyes, tears were just flowing from them.

I was busy in looking towards her nd my mom placed hand on my hand. I looked at her.
"Do u wanna go home?"
"No mom I'm fine"
"But dear u didn't have ur breakfast!"

Mom show her concern towards me nd I understood but I didn't want to leave her alone.

"No mom I'm fine I just need water to drink"
"U can go to upstairs nd go to the  first third  room nd have some drink."
Aunt lily jumped in convo. I nodded my head nd went to that room for water.

It seems like kitchen but no one was there. I started searching water nd my eye caught freez so u went open it nd took a chilled bottle nd drunk it till it got empty. Trust me I was so thirsty. I put empty bottle in freez nd abt to move when my eyes caught the same lady I saw who was crying on couch. She was abt to fall so I hold her.

"Are you OK?" I asked
"Yeah thank you so much dear" She said
I was her blue eyes which was moist.

"U re Mrs.Suren's daughter right?"

She asked nd I was shocked how she recognised me? I was looking at her surprisely.

"You re looking like her that's why I recognised"

She said with forced smile. I also smiled her back.

"Thanks for balancing me dear"
"No need"
I said calmly nd one of servant came nd hold her hand nd she went.
After that I was abt to go to main hall but Suddenly I  hear a sound of music. Very loud sound. Who played this kinda party music in such a sad moment. I forced to wonder abt this idiotic nd weird thing. My eye went towards a room may be there! There someone who was playing but who? We didn't known but few minutes later sing stopped nd I saw something! Which made me stunned. How anyone could do this?!!

Who? Sakira saw someone.
U'll gonna known this in next part!

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Lots Of Love♡
                        - Parthavi Karn ♥

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