Life at Grandmas

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My next memory is of the first day of first grade. My teachers name was Mrs. Shaw. She used to be my older brothers first grade teacher when my parents lived close to grandma. In fact, she gave me a textbook that was his and had his name in it. After being taken from my mom and dad, first grade was hell. I acted out for attention and got my ticket pulled almost everyday. I don't remember what my grades were like but I remember doing well in school. My grandma was the bus driver so we had to get up extra early which sucked, but other than that, I liked being at school. After first grade ended I moved on to second where I switched classes and had a home room, Mrs. Kilgore. Mrs. Kilgore loved me even before my grandma took me to the doctors office to get me on something for my ADHD. They put me on something that made me really irritable, but I was forced too stay on it until my grandma showed her true colors, fourth grade. She put me in ballet which I wanted, but a few months later she started making me clean house. Chores are normal for a child, but not like this. Tanner had been getting this from her since the beginning. A year later be moved in with my aunt Kristy and I got the brunt of it. Everything Tanner was doing combined with everything I was already doing was loaded onto me and none of it onto Lucas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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