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Castiel finally sees Demon Dean, and he immediately knows. Dean smirks and says, "Hey, angel."

He walks over to Cas. He grabs Cas' face and kisses him. Castiel immediately kisses back, and while he's distracted, Dean forces an angel blade into Cas' stomach. Cas pulls away, hurt in his eyes. "Dean," he manages to croak out.

Dean's once cocky smirk turns into a frown. His once obsidian colored eyes turn to their original emerald green. "Cas, oh my god!" Dean holds Cas to his chest, as the light fades from Castiel's eyes. Before its completely gone, Cas manages to put a calloused hand on Dean's cheek. The edges of his mouth twitch into an almost smile, before his grace fades forever.

DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora