The Lonely

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She was sort of an outcast at her school. She had okay grades, and hated the entire experience of school.

She was picked on and made fun of. She hated everything and everyone at that damned school.

She was walking home one day when she walked past an empty lot. Though, it wasn't completely empty. There was one thing sitting there, rather rusted.

A 1967 Chevrolet Impala. She could tell it had originally been a beautiful black color, though it was now quite rusty.

She walked over to it in awe, running her hand over the details. She looked inside, spotting some sort of army man in one of the ashtrays on the side of the door.

She thought she heard something so she turned, catching a glimpse of someone. He smiled lightly, his smile happy yet sad at the same time. He had dark hair and was wearing a trenchcoat and a suit. He slowly walked over, still smiling.

"My name is Castiel. This car used to belong to two of the most important men I've known. Their names were Sam and Dean Winchester."

Her eyes widened. She'd read the supernatural books. This was the famous Castiel. An angel whom fell for the Winchesters. A hero.

He began to tell her all about the things that were not ever included in the books. About Dean becoming a knight of Hell. Never really being cured.

It was in that moment that she knew. She was no longer lonely.

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