It Ends Bloody

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Dean Winchester had known how his story would end for a long time.

It would end bloody, but he would go down fighting. He was sure as hell that it would end at the edge of a blade or the barrel of a gun.

The thing is, he was right.

The famous Dean Winchester went down fighting.

Only, he didn't know who the one who would be pointing that gun or blade at him would be someone he loved.

"C-Cas you don't have to do this."

Castiel just stared blankly at Dean. His face was emotionless, as if he was dead inside.

Cas and Dean had been on bad terms for a while. Cas had disappeared when Dean and Sam needed him most.

Sammy died because Cas wasn't there to heal him. They were attacked by a group of demons. Too many to fight by themselves. They attacked Sam.

Needless to say, Dean was mad at Castiel.

Cas was all Dean had left. Then one day, he comes back. He was different.

And there they were, Castiel with his angel blade positioned, ready to plunge into Dean's chest.

"C-Cas you don't have to do this. We're friends. We're family."

Castiel just stared. "This is my mission, Dean. Since I've raised you from perdition, it's always been foretold to end this way."

Dean just looked at Cas with confusion and sadness in his eyes.

"If that was your mission, from the start, why did you bother becoming my friend? Part of my family? The only piece of family I have left?" Dean asked with sadness etched on his face.

"It was necessary. For this to happen, we had to be close."

"No, you know what, Cas? I think this is just like when you were controlled by Naomi. When you damn near killed me. But I got you out of it. I stopped you from killing me."

He pulled out a blade of his own.

"Cas, please. I don't want to have to fight you."

Castiel tried to stab Dean then, but he evaded it, stabbing Cas in the shoulder.

"Cas, just stop this, pleas-"

Before Dean could finish his sentence, the blade was plunged into his chest.

Dean's eyes widened, his mouth falling open in shock.

He looked down at the wound, collapsing to the floor.

He stared up at Castiel. Blood was gathering both in his mouth and underneath him.

"Cas," he spluttered. "I love you. And I forgive you."

Castiel watched as the light faded from Dean's bright green eyes.

As soon as he processed what Dean had said, he dropped to his knees. The angel blade clattered to the hard flooring.

He looked at the hunter's limp body, realizing what he had just done.

"I'm so sorry Dean."

He held the man's body in his arms, consumed with both remorse and sadness.

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