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Courtesy of bloom759

Not everyone loves rules, I know but I would appreciate if you would carefully read the rules, thanks.

Without further ado, now down to the rules shall we :

1. Follow this account bloom759 in other to PM if necessary, and for any questions needed to be asked, you could unfollow if you wish after the competition is over

2. No rude, harsh or degeratory comments, we are equal in my perspective, so please respect every users right.

3. You may choose to vote but i would really prefer a comment on any of my books :
✒️ Katie Brooks
📍or my graphics shop - ✒️Bloom Graphics
📍my art book gallery - ✒️Artistic hobbies or you could join my tag book -✒️Tag & answer

4. Judges should make sure to follow the judging criteria.

5. Participants should make sure to follow the participants criteria.

6. Password is: Phoenix Arizona

7. Add this to your reading list and library to be updated on more information updates

8. Please comment in line with the genre of the books for easy reference. Only  a maximum of two genres can be filled in by a participant, although one is mostly advised in other to let others have a sporting chance

9. Put #Phoenixawards2019/2020 to your tags in your book for easy reference and for others to easily view your story and to know your rank .

10. Tag at least 10 people ie 10 and above

Watch out for the Tag fest section!!!!!
Remember tag as many as possible

Phoenix awards 2019 - 2020 (Open) Where stories live. Discover now