Judging Criteria

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So this is basically a place where judges know how to allocate their scores evenly any one marked with (💢) is a must

The total score will be in the form of percentage of 100%

~Judges must never give special preference to a book just because it has over a thousand or million reads or votes or comments and not read the other books assigned to them or just abandon them as a whole, this is a place where unnoticed book can rise from the ashes so DO NOT I repeat DO NOT let them be in the ashes cause I know how that feels 🙁 that's why I started this awards💢

*read the books with less reads and votes first and see how it goes then to the others with higher reads and votes 💢
*show your support by voting or commenting if you deem it fit, your choice, not mine!!!

~ Comment on their first chapter when you begin judging eg. "Hi there I just wanted you to know I have started reading/judging your book, good luck!!! " stuffs like that you can form your own sentence not necessarily like the lame example given💢

~ Remember to follow only the first two participants that follow you that's very important and the Participants will inform me once it's done💢

~Comment Seen in line with your Participant name that you'll be judging once you've seen/acknowledge their follows 💢

~Your availability is highly needed

~Stick with the allocated time once you have been assigned your participants 💢

~ Be honest and Loyal to the awards, we wouldn't want any delay now would we?

~ Forming a bond with the Participants is alright as long as bribery, Favoritism and a hint of corruption 😂 isn't involved

~When submitting your scores by PM, please don't give only the percentage score but follow the judging Criteria with the scores, it'll be your description that makes me feel if you really read it not just a presumed or lazy scoring
So use the questions and little description as a guide 💢

~ Any more info will be updated here, Any questions can be asked here by the judges


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Book cover (5%) : So yeah, not everyone has a good cover, and a lot of saying has been heard of "don't judge a book by its cover" and not many really go with this saying or else book covers/billboards/advertising agencies would have been plain and simple. No two covers are ever the same except a textbook or the same author or it was plagiarised

*So how is the cover? Does it fit the name of the story? (Your choice: you could ask the Participant why he/she chose their covers, maybe it could help with your marks before jumping to conclusions)

*Have you seen a similar book cover somewhere on this platform(not Google don't confuse it, as some could be fanfic or book ideas maybe derived from Google, I mean on a wattpad platform)


Book summary (5%) : Summary is an important part of a story, it captivates your readers, authors of books or movie directors have seen this very helpful which is why you could get a glimpse of spoilers in the term of books either in the page before the  Chapter 1 or at the back of the book cover, movies hmm comes in form of trailers so either way its a very good start to introduce your book

*How did the summary make you feel about the book?


Character description (20%) : As we all know, Characters play a lot of role in our beautiful and intriguing mind, without a character, there would never be a story, even plants or inanimate things could be characters.

Phoenix awards 2019 - 2020 (Open) Where stories live. Discover now