Chapter 4

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Lucas had bought a restaurant.

Jihye came home and whined about her co-workers' treatment towards her. The man just laughed at Jihye's exasperated face. She hit his arms angrily, "Don't laugh at my problems! Lucas, I am not Athanasia, this kind of things make me feel uncomfortable. So stop threatening them with your ownership of the restaurant!"

"I am not."

Jihye glared at him.

"Well, not anymore. If they continue being like that, it's probably because they really like you."

Of course, she was not Athanasia. She kept thinking about how grateful she was that she was supposedly reborn as the Princess. Because somehow, it made her encounter this man in front of her. Although she couldn't help but compare herself with the lovely heiress. Jihye could be reincarnated as Athanasia, but her current life was Lee Jihye. She didn't regret not dying at the age of 20. Even though she could be the princess of a wealthy empire, perhaps even become the empress herself, but for her, Lee Jihye was enough. Jihye, Lucas, Athy and her Lucas... she was satisfied with their condition as of now. The girls even had their Lucases teleport them to hang out at times, something the men despised. It would be pompous to ask for more than this.

Why do I become melancholic like this all of a sudden?

She cut her train of thought to see Lucas, who was smiling at her. "W, What?"

"You want to use magic?"

"Not... really..."

"Okay then."

Why ask something obvious like that? Ugh! "I want it! I want to use magic. But... how?"

"That will become true if you answer this question: would you live longer than commoners?"

...Why ask something like that?

Jihye was hesitant to reply. She was happy now, but before, for 20 years, she had been living an insect's life. No one to take care of her, or no one for her to take care of. She hadn't actually enjoyed working, it was just something she did if she wanted to continue to live. Life started on the Hard Mode for her. And now he was asking her if she wanted to live longer?

Jihye looked at the magician. This man turned her life upside down since the day they met. Crazy man.


"I would live longer only if you live with me."

"Good answer." Lucas smiled and sealed his lips on hers. Jihye was too dumbstruck to notice Lucas shoving a glowing branch into her head. She passed out instantly as the man held her body.

Lucas had also transferred his magic gradually into Jihye ever since years ago, since a normal human body wouldn't be able to take on the World Tree's magic. He had been intending to plant the magical branch in Jihye's soul in the first place. So her answer wouldn't really mattered anyway.

Nonetheless, he couldn't deny the warm feeling in his heart when he heard her answer.

With this, Jihye could use simple magic like telekinesis, teleportation, and small-sized item materialisation. If he taught her, she could even control the temperature in the room. Whatever, Lucas scoffed.

They had an eternity to spend together.


Extra: Flirt

"Is there something on my back?" Jihye was cooking in the kitchen, so she had her back towards Lucas who was in the living room, sitting, and oddly staring at her.

"Nothing, you just look pretty."

CLANK! Her spatula dropped, her face heating.

S, Since when did he become good at flirting?! Well, two can play at this game.

Jihye continued cooking, telling her nerves to calm down. It's just Lucas, he is always like this. "I have always been this pretty, dear."

"Is it safe to say that you are mine now, Jihye?"

"No, I'm mine."

Lucas scowled. "But we are husband and wife, marriage is a legal process to share everything."

"Lucas, dear, can you take that salt for me?"

"No, just use your magic."

"But we are husband and wife, marriage is a legal process to share everything. Including your magic. Now, dear, the soup's been boiling for too long now."

Lucas pouted, but complied.


Extra: Photo

Jihye was looking through an old album when she frowned at one family photo. She took it to Lucas. "Look at this photo. There's something wrong with it and I can't fix it."

Lucas scanned through the picture. He raised his eyebrow when he found no problems. "What is wrong with it? I was as handsome as always."

"Not that, look here. You have red eyes here, no matter how many times I use digital fixing tools. They just won't go off, it's disturbing."


That certainly didn't imply any ill intention towards his eyes' safety, right?


Extra: Scoff

Lucas scoffed. "You scoff too much lately."

Jihye scoffed. "Seems like someone rubbed off on me."

Lucas scoffed. "Stop that."

Jihye scoffed. "Or?"

Lucas smirked. "I'll make you unable to use your mouth to scoff by ki-"

Jihye blushed. "..."

Lucas scoffed. "That's right, I scoff, and you blush. Now come here to get your reward."

Jihye blushed even harder.


Extra: Soul

Lucas sat on their couch with a boy on his lap, both munching on biscuits. The boy had black hair and caramel brown eyes along with a beauty mark on his left cheek. This child's mom had gone and named him so strangely. He had talked to her about it, but the woman just went on how this name was an important person in another story. One day, the child might ask the meaning of his name, but that night was not now.

The boy had just come back from school today, he turned his head up and questioned, "Daddy, why is not Mommy home yet?"

The father exhaled. "Mommy is working, she will be home soon."

Years ago, before this child was born, Lucas had tried to persuade Jihye to stop working. She didn't need to work, really, even without his magic, Lucas's wage from being the national leading quantum physicist was more than enough. But Jihye refused, she reasoned that she would be bored just sitting in the house. She worked all her life off, not doing anything would feel too weird for her.

In actuality, Lucas knew Jihye just didn't want to 'leech off' of him, like she muttered under her breath just then. Even being aware of the insignificant reasons, Lucas failed to convince her. He exhaled again, either Jihye was a hard-worker or a workaholic, he couldn't care less. At least he made sure that he forbid her from being a fieldworker. She was now a chef assistant in a Korean restaurant.

Lucas didn't forget to buy that stupid restaurant so they wouldn't overwork Jihye. Now all the employees treated Jihye so well. Too well for her liking. He remembered Jihye complaining about the treatment of her co-workers calling her 'Your Majesty.'

He laughed at the boy. "Want to pick Mommy up?"


"Attaboy. Let's go. Teleport us, Blackie."



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