Between the Bars

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Chapter 7

"Okay, you're the douche that called us here, what now?"

I openned my mouth, John beat me to it. "We are gonna do... fuck ,uh, things."

Karkat rolled his eyes. "Descriptive, John."

A loud ringing sound pulled our attention to Rose. She pulled her phone out from her pocket and we stood there in silence waiting to see what was up. Rose cursed under her breathe as she pulled the phone up to her ear. "Hello?"

I caught Rose's glance and something had changed in her eyes since I had last looked at her. Part of me thought she had been caught, but I had been caught sneaking out with Rose before. Maybe her mother had noticed the liquar gone for once.

"Oh... oh my...," Rose's eyes became even more astounded than before. It was most obviously not the type of news she had wanted to hear. She hung up the phone and covered her mouth with her hand.

I quickly paced up to my sister. I could see the distress in her eyes more fluently as I came closer to her. I looked over and saw Kanaya placing her arm around her shoulder trying to comfort her. I heard her asking what was wrong numerous times. I tried to make eye contact with her again. "Rose...?"

"My mom...," she said both anxious and startled. "Roxy had to take her to the hospital."

"What? Why?" I asked shaken by that. Even though she wasn't really my mom in anyway she still felt like family to me.

"Roxy said she was throwing up blood and she was drinking a lot and oh my god...," Rose started crying.

"Oh my god...," I had know she had had her problems with both alcohol and her life in general being hard, but now it had put her in the hospital.

They look in Rose's eyes changed. They were both in raged and scared. "It's all his fucking fault and mine!" She yelled. "Why did I have to be born?! Why did have to make me be born?!"

I didn't take my eyes off Rose. This was my sister in front of me regretting her own life. I felt useless standing there not knowing what to do. I didn't know how to act. I was scared. I took my eyes off Rose and looked around everyone was frozen. They didn't know how to act. Even John, who in which was drunk off his ass, forzen in confusion. I looked back at Rose. Kanaya held her to her chest as she cried.

"I have to go," Rose said pulling away from Kanaya. "I need to be there..."

"I'll go with you," I said as I promised myself to never leave her side. This wasn't her fault. It was his. He's hurt too many people and I can't let him do this to Rose.


Here's a short chapter, guys.

Again if you'd like to ask anything you may. I know I left things a little confusing with a sudden Jade, blame me and the fact I can't afford a new laptop. Maybe for Christmas I'll have money for one. I don't know after awhile my parents just kinda forgot about me on Christmas, but hopefully I'll get one. I hope I can do better with all this now that things are turning around, but I have no idea.

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