Chapter 3

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Hi guys! This is the new part. I'm going to make it a lot longer than the other one, don't worry! Enjoy!

DING! DING! Nova rushed to answer the door, quickly pulling on her coat and boots as she went. She opened the door and found Adrian smiling at her. "Thanks again for agreeing to help me!" Adrian told her. " of course! " Nova said, perhaps a little too enthusiastically, "So, where are we going?". They walked through the neighbourhood, twisting and turning through the streets. "Oh, uh, it's this place. I'm not really sure if you've been there..." Adrian said, with a nervous smile. They Kept on walking, going by a tree that's leaves where falling off. " you'd  be surprised... Ow! " Nova told him, the last part when a leaf hit her in the face. "You okay?" Adrian asked as another ow escaped her lips. Nova laughed, "Its these stupid leaves! They keep hitting me in the face!" .

After about ten minutes, they arrived at the place Adrian had been looking for. "Here we are!" He announced "They say Nightmare has been sighted here". Nova looked around, and realized that she may very well have been seen there. But he couldn't know that.. "Are you sure?" She asked him. Adrian considered that. "Well... I dunno. We couldn't be completely sure, but.." Adrian said, and Nova let out a breath. He wasn't sure. They went inside the building. " she may have been hiding out here, I'm not exactly sure.. " Adrian said as he led her up the stairs.

"Here, we can look around. See if we can figure anything out." Adrian said, as they looked around the room. They looked for quite some time, but found nothing. Nova thanked herself for being careful when she came here the other day. After about an hour of looking, they found nothing.             "Adrian, I think we should give up. There's obviously nothing here." Nova told him. Adrian looked a little upset, but he still agreed. " you're right, I guess we've done all we can do. But... Thanks for coming, Nova, you have no idea how happy I was when you agreed. " he said.  Nova smiled, "No problem." She said, although she didn't really mean it. She could have been helping her uncle, but instead here she was, helping with something that she knew was pointless.

Adrian walked her home. "Here we are" Nova told him, ready to go inside and out of the cold night air. "Thanks again, Nova" Adrian said, sweeping a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Goodnight".  Nova smiled, "Goodnight".   Adrian leaned towards her and, all of a sudden, he kissed her. It was a small kiss, but surprised her all the same. But, she leaned closer and kissed him back.

So, what do you guys think? I think it was pretty good. I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be uploading the next few parts in a few weeks, since I'll be away for the next two weeks. For real, now. I'm going to try to finish this before Supernova comes out, since it probably won't make sense by then. Thank you guys for reading this! Have a great day!
~bye 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2019 ⏰

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