16. No More Jobless

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I slowly opened my eyes and moved them around. The crystal wall lights, geometrical wooden ceiling and the light cooling of the air conditioner reminded me the events of the last night. Sitting up, I relaxed my loose hair through my fingers. Last night I drifted to sleep on the floor, just beside the large bed because I wasn't comfortable sleeping on that soft bed. 

I let out a loud groan as I felt my muscles contracted and the backache. It was probably due to the air conditioner or the cold floor. When my meeting ended with Samara, I came back to this room and laid on the floor. Within few minutes, sleep took over me.

Samara told me about her emergency last night and to say that I was shocked could be an understatement. I was out of words. There was a guy named William who was after her since eleven months. He claimed that he loved Samara and wanted to marry her. However, Samara couldn't reciprocate the same feelings to him. She clearly told him that. At first, she thought that William understood so she decided to continue treating him as a friend. 

They both went on friendly dates few times. Samara said she enjoyed William's company because he made her laugh and cared for her. Things didn't end here. One day when they went out at the cabaret, William kissed her all of a sudden. She first opposed to that kiss, but William didn't stop and she found herself losing into him so um... she kissed him back and their make out session lasted longer than she expected.

Samara felt guilty for cheating on her fiancé, so after that, she stopped meeting with her so-called friend. She realized that day that she had only loved one man and that was her fiancé; Ashar.

William didn't agree with her decision. He began pestering her through calls and texts, asking her to reconsider the choice she made. But, Sam-

The few soft knocks on the door disturbed my chain of thoughts. Enduring my backache, I tried to rise on my feet and reached to the door. A middle-aged lady in a white uniform with a light pink apron on it stood at the doorway, smiling at me.

"Good morning, Miss Frances. Your breakfast is here."

I looked down and saw that a tray was balanced between her hands. Reluctantly, I took it from her and closed the door immediately. I placed the tray on the bed and sat beside it. The breakfast included few brown breads, plain vanilla cupcakes, cheese omelet and some butter.

Although the breakfast was simple, but still I couldn't accept this and act normal as if I was staying in some hotel. Accepting their free services was like going against my principles. This was wrong.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in my head so, without wasting a single minute, I rushed straight to Matt's study, leaving the food as it is. Knocking the door for once, I stepped inside the room. He was sitting on his office chair and going through some files. He stopped flipping the pages and looked up at me.

He furrowed his brows and gave me an annoying look, before fixing his eyes again on the file that was opened in front of him, "What do you want? If you're here to argue with me about your stay here then I would advise you to leave because that conversation was over."

"No. I'm here to discuss something else." I blurted out.

"Go on." He said without glancing up at me.

"I want my job back." I said hesitantly.

"Pardon?" He gave me a quizzical look.

"I want to continue work as a cook here." I explained, "You'll not let me work anywhere else and I can't accept your financial favors this way. My integrity doesn't allow me."

Yes, this was my idea – to again work for them and get a pay in return. This would help me to remain engaged in work and pass my days here. I would only accept what I deserve, nothing more.

Matt gave me a wry smile, "Look, who's talking about integrity."

He closed the file. I tried to swallow his hurtful sarcasm and remained persisted. "I know what you think of me, but please, let me work for you like before."

He stood up from his chair, hiding his hands in his pocket, "Sanaya, Sanaya." He sang my name, "What should I do about you? You managed to mess up everything in one attempt. My son in anger left the house last night because of you. I'm afraid to give you any leniency."

Tears prickled at the back of my eyes as he reminded me how much Ashar loathed me. Fisting my palms tightly, I tried not to lose my nerve and stay strong. Impuissance was not even an option here if I had to prove my innocence to them.

"I, I still expect leniency from you. Let me work here." I slurred.

He lowered his gaze on the floor for few seconds as if he was thinking on my request, "Suppose, if I allow you to work, then how will you hide your true identity from my domestic staff? They don't know about you. And I don't want anyone to know that's why I have kept you here so that truth couldn't come out."

"No one will know. I assure you." I promised once again. It's not like I was interested in sharing that disastrous piece of information about me that I became Ashar's wife accidentally. I also wanted to pretend normal and forget about that funny fact about myself.

"Okay." He grumbled, "I'm giving you a chance, but remember, if you made even a minor mistake, I won't endure it nicely this time. I swear I won't let you step a foot outside your room. I mean it, young lady."

A sad, small smile touched the corners of my lips, "Thank you so much. Your secret is safe with me."

He shook his head irritatingly and went back to his rolling chair. I felt light-hearted. After weeks I could say something good happened, something I wanted. Otherwise, everything was going against my will as if God had started punishing me for lying in His Church, for making false promises.

Cooking would definitely help me to lessen my stress and keep me busy. I would try to think that I was working as a full-time employee here instead of considering myself as a captive. This job would maybe help me prove my innocence that I was not after their money.


After taking a quick shower, I scurried to the kitchen. A sense of familiarity encircled me as I stepped into this area because it reminded me of previous days when I was just a cook here. My life was so peaceful and simple. All I just counted days when I would be able to go to college. Now my life was overturned.

Sighing, I strolled inside the kitchen and saw Andrew was giving today's instructions to all the household workers. When his eyes witnessed my presence, he clapped his hands aloud once, "Get back to work and remember my eyes are always on you."

Everyone dismissed. Andrew ambled to me. I avoided looking into his eyes. "Welcome back, Miss Frances or should I say Mrs. Ashar Hobsons?"

My jaw dropped down. I became frightened, "You know?"

"Only I know."

I exhaled in relief, "Matt. Hobsons doesn't want his household staff to know about me."

"Don't worry. I'm not a traitor like you." He said sarcastically.

"What?" I gave him a disbelieving look.

"You're just eighteen, but still you managed to plan such a big fraud. I thought you were a nice, young employee, but I was deceived by your innocent face and age."

"Andrew, you're crossing the line." I warned, "Don't be so judgmental."

Never in my entire life I had been mistreated to this level. Each one of them was not missing a single chance to not to taunt me. I didn't know for how long I would be able to bear their prejudices and allegations.

"Right. I should be careful with my words because you're now Ashar Hobsons's wife, who is my boss." He said in a sardonic way.

That strange word 'wife' kept giving me electric shiver all through my body. It was a foreign word to me. "I'm not his wife." I gritted.

He ignored my statement, "I have already received information about you that you've planned to continue your job. Since you know everything, I don't have to give you any instructions. You can start the work."

Afterwards, he left the kitchen and I let my suppressed tears fall down my cheeks. I couldn't endure so much hatred for me. I wished I could show the sincerity of my heart to all of them. 

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