One Year After (Lyd's POV)

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I can't get him off my mind.

It's been just a year since.. oh hell, who am I kidding? "Just a year?" Yeah right.

It's been a whole, painful, long year. A horrible, long year since....

Since, he left me...

I know he's still out there. Somewhere. He's already dead, the Sandworm eating him didn't hurt him, but..

He's left me. Why would he?

We were about to get married.

If I had said the answer I wanted to, and not the answer everyone expected me to say... would he still be here...?

I still have the ring. Barbara, Adam and everyone doesn't know.

It felt like forever ago...

I found him there, crying on the roof. I was going to jump off, but.. he saved me.

We became best friends after. He got aggressive, murderous, towards other humans.. but.. not me.

He asked me to marry him in order to save my family from his torture. But even without the whole "saving my family" thing, I would've said okay anyways.

I don't know if he loves me, or loved me.

But I loved him. And I still love him.

More than anything.

He left me that day, a week before my 16th birthday.

It's that same day today.

I whisper out pathetically, "Beetlejuice,, it's our anniversary. I hope you remembered. I-I love you..." I start choking up.

I'm crying like a baby now.

Why can't I be a normal girl? Have some stupid crush on some vanilla guy?

Cause this isn't a silly schoolgirl's crush.

I'm in love. I'm in love with a demon. I'm in love with Beetlejuice.

I have no idea how Barbara or Adam would react to this knowledge. Delia and Dad already kinda know, but I never told them directly.

And I know my dead mom definitely knows.

This is it. I can't take this anymore.

I'm going to the roof. New suicide note. New reason. No Beetlejuice to save me.

I exit my room. This is it, I'll be joining you soon, my bf-f-f-f forever.

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