The Return (Lyd's POV)

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I was expecting to see the same wacky, cute, gravity-defying spiky green-yellow hair. In his white button-up shirt, with the purple throw over jacket and black pants, along with his pink and green bowtie. Just as I remember him.

It wasn't exactly like that.

I said his name the third and final time, "BEETLEJUICE!!"

He was facing away from me, and turned towards me and asked, "Lydia?"

I replied, "It's Showtime!"

He smiled at me, starting to run towards me from his place half a mile away in the backyard as I examined his new clothing. He was now in a black and white striped business suit, with the same pink and green bowtie.

His hair seemed to have calmed down a bit, more obeying towards gravity, still spiky though, as I watched it blow in the wind.

And the rest of him was just the way i remembered. But even if he looked completely different I'd still love him. I'll always love him.

I started rushing towards him too, as he picked me up, spinning me around in a hug.

He said, "I've missed you so much, babes! And you've finally called me back, I'm so excited!"

He calls me babes, I know it's sorta a joking nickname, the fact that we almost  got married is the reason he chooses to call me that.

"I missed you too!" I exclaim. Even if I can't date him, having him back is just as amazing.

"You, uh, found my letter, didn't you?" He asked.

"Yeah.." I replied.

"Why were you up there, Lydia?" He asked, I instantly lied in reply.

"I like to draw up there. My pencil rolled to the ledge and I found your letter." I said.

"But," he started, "Why would you want me back? Your life is perfect now. I saw a while ago how much of a demon I was-"

"Because you aren't a demon to me. I loved having fun with you, scaring the socks off of little kids and watching the sunset on the roof in a giant blanket, then falling asleep. You're my best friend, and it's been a year since I've seen you." I say, blushing.

His face flushed as well, as he asks, "Has it really been a year?"

We say at the same time, "It's felt like longer."

I continue, blushing more, "A year. A year exactly since you.. left."

He said, "You've changed, Lydia. You let your hair grow out, and you're taller."

I replied, "Well you changed too. You're hair isn't breaking the laws of physics and you aren't wearing your purple jacket."

"I still have it," he said, "I just don't wear it very much anymore."

I say, "Wow. I-i'm glad you're back, bj."

"Same here, babes." He said and smiled.

"Let's go up to the roof!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and leading him inside, him stopping me just before the door. "What?" I asked.

"Babes.. I don't think your parents would want me to be here, and I can't stay long if they start making me go back to... how I was before." He said, a sad look on his face.

I replied, "Bj, look, I don't want you to change from the way you were before, but at least go easy on my family. They only remember you the way they saw you. Not how I remember all the fun we had together." I smile.

He smiled back and said, "Okay! To the roof!" We walked up there joking and laughing our way up the stairs. I missed this. My boyfriend or not, this is my ideally favorite thing to be doing right now.

We got to the roof and sat down on it. I had re pocketed my suicide note for god knows what reason so when I sat, Beetlejuice heard the paper ruffle.

"What's that?" He asked.

I replied, "Oh, nothing.."

He was curious so he said okay and started to look at the stars, I followed in what he did, and once he saw this he secretly snatched the note from my pocket.

He pocketed it himself and I didn't notice. He said, "It's nice to be back on the surface. Not just because of you, but because when you look up or at the horizon, you see things. It's not just black abyss."

I looked up at him, despite me getting taller over the year he was gone, he was still at least a head taller than me. "Yeah. It's good to have you back."

I blushed as he put his arm around me and smiled at him, he smiled back as I slipped off to sleep.

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