(Devil of Dance) - Escape from Ultimatum City Penitentiary Jail

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(Rock This Town - Stray Cats)

Roll Call was brought up for the members of the U.C.P.J, the prison considered to be the most dangerous facility in the city of Ultimatum. Holding some of the city's most hardened supervillains, including at the moment; the Venomous King Cobra, the psychotic Miss Match, the elusive Evil Doctor Krentist, the ruthless assassin Spectre, the bumbling Ham Burglar and the dastardly Devil of Dance. Other villains such as Black Swan or Pyromaniac have still been at large and a huge headache for the Superhero Alliance known as The Silver Treaty. Composed of Ultimatum's best Superheroes, since their plans mostly involve covert operations, a hard notion for the Superheroes to track even with the best technologies provided by Seymour L. Vaughn, the CEO of Vaughn Technologies X the biggest corporation of the Robotics Industry the world has ever seen.

Right now, all villains in the holding cell were released for morning Roll Call.

Warden: "All right listen up here you villain scum, good-for-nothing maggots. You all know what to do we've all gone through this hundreds of times. So don't cause any problems."

The guards in the rafters all activated their stun batons as a method of intimidation. The villains did not react to this meek show of power. Meanwhile the warden brought out a clipboard in order to list off all the inmates of the U.C.P.J.

Warden: "Simon Salazar!"

King Cobra: "Pressssent and accounted for Missssster Adamssss."

The reptilian humanoid hissed at the man through his muzzle. His thin pupils conveyed the monstrosity that lied beneath this thing even before he grew into a cold-blooded killer.

Warden: "Amelia Jones!"

Miss Match: "Ugh, you just need to look with your damn eyes to know if I'm here, what's with all this unneeded nonsense!? Um, here. Mr. Warden sir."

She boasted, meekly responding to the Warden's question soon after her little rant. Whispering to herself quietly soon after, seemingly repeating her final sentence multiple times.

Warden: "Arvid Krentist."

The brown haired 'Doctor' adjusted his do and cleared his throat. Seemingly about to respond in a civilized manner towards the older man.

Arvid Krentist: "It's Evil Doctor Sir Arvid Krentist, PhD to you! Untermensch!"

Warden: "We don't use your villain names in here Mr. Krentist. Please stop speaking Deutsche, your pronunciation is horrible."

He dismissively brushed him off. Arvid fiddled with his hands soon afterwards.

Warden: "Alfred Darius."

Alfred looked up from the floor, his pale white eyes always creeped out the warden sometimes. But this new technology given to them by Seymour Vaughn proved to be effective in containing the ghastly assassin.

Specter: "Why I do believe I am here at the very moment, but at any moment after this I could be the puppeteer to you right here right now and these blasted cuffs are the only thing that stand between you and me. Adams."

Warden: "And they're not coming off anytime soon. Richard Thompson!"

The Ham Burglar, little more than a man capable of summoning meaty minions. Hardly as 'powerful' as any man or woman in the room with him, responded with only one word.

Ham Burglar: "Here."

Warden: "(Y/N) (L/N)!"

The much younger but still tall boy, cracked his neck and nodded at the Warden.

Devil of Dance (Male Supervillain Reader) A Reader Insert Adventure.Where stories live. Discover now